鍵盤按鍵大全 按鍵 動作 ESC 取消目前工作 Spacebar 若目前由按鈕控制,請按一下按鈕 若目前由核取方塊控制,請選取或清除核取方塊 若目前由選項按鈕控制,請按一下選項 Alt + 畫底線字母 請按一下相對應的指令 Enter
Microsoft Office Word 的鍵盤快速鍵 - Word - Office.com 本說明主題中所述的快速鍵是參考美式鍵盤配置,其他配置的按鍵可能無法正確對應至美式鍵盤上的按鍵。 如果是同時按兩個以上按鍵的快速鍵,在 ...
快速鍵 - Word 使用 [開啟舊檔]、[另存新檔] 和 [插入圖片] 對話方塊 Ctrl + F12 顯示 [開啟舊檔] 對話方塊。 F12 顯示 [另存新檔] 對話方塊。 Alt+1 移到前一個資料夾 ()。 Alt+2 開啟已開啟資料夾的上一層資料夾 ([向上一層] 按鈕 )。 Alt+3 關閉對話方塊並開啟您的全球資訊網 ...
Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word Lists the keyboard shortcuts available in Word 2010, Word 2007, Word 2003, and Word 2002. ... To do this Press Move to the next option or option group. Tab Move to the previous option or option group. SHIFT+Tab Switch to the next tab in a dialog box.
復原、取消復原或重複動作- Word - Office - Microsoft 您可以在Microsoft Office 程式中復原及取消復原多達100 個動作,例如Microsoft Office Word ...
office 2007 word復原(Ctrl+z)不能用- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 不知自己按到什麼按鍵,繼續打字時,按ctrl+z都無法復原了,請幫忙我把復原找回來,謝謝!感覺超困擾的!
Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word - Microsoft Support (http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word-help/keyboard-shortcuts-for-microsoft- word-HP010370109.aspx?CTT=1) ... Every command in Word 2010 can be accessed by using an access key. You can ... A column break, CTRL+SHIFT+ ENTER.
Undo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Undo is a command in many computer programs. It erases the last change done to the document reverting it to an older state. In some more advanced programs ...
CTRL-C and CTRL-V not working on Word 2007. Please help. CTRL-SHIFT-C - Microsoft Community CTRL-C and CTRL-V not working on Word 2007. Please help. CTRL-SHIFT-C doesn't work either. ... Applies to: Office Unknown/Other Microsoft Office Word Had this question Me Too 3 Question Dcuth asked on August 22, 2010 | 8189 views CTRL-C and ...
[問題] word應該可以復原的動作無法復原- 看板Office - 批踢踢實業坊 軟體:Microsoft Word 版本:2007 如題簡單來講就是我的word好像沒辦法復原上一個 動作的樣子試過 ...