首頁 - 萬代福影城 獨家首輪電影版面,不斷推陳出新,美觀好用兼具收藏價值! 點數卡採用認卡制,自用送人皆可!看電影一卡在手隨時可看,超方便! 三五好友或家庭團體使用最划算! 一卡25點,二輪1部片扣1點,獨家首輪扣4點,平均一部電影只要40元!
萬代福影城: 首頁 一卡25點,二輪1部片扣1點,獨家首輪扣4點,平均一部電影只要40元! ... 盡在萬代福 影城‧歡迎包廳及訂購團體票~洽詢專線(04) 2221 -0356 ‧地址:台中市公園路38號( ...
電影時刻- 萬代福影城 盡在萬代福影城‧歡迎包廳及訂購團體票~洽詢專線(04) 2221 -0356 ‧地址:台中市公園路38號(公園路大誠街口). 萬代福影城©Copyrightc2010 瀏覽人次:. & ...
Taiwan Movies - Films Showing in Taipei and Taichung 超過 40 筆 - Taiwan Movies from Taiwan Fun gives you the run down of ...
Taiwan Movies - Films Showing in Taipei and Taichung Ambassador Teatre 88, ChenDu Rd. (02) 2361-1223 Ambassador Theatres@Breeze Center 39, FuXing S. Rd, Sec. 1, 7F. (02) 8772-1234 Ambassador Theatres@Global Mall 122, ZhongShan Rd, Sec. 3, 4F, ZhongHe Dist., New Taipei City (02) 2226-8088
台北民宿信義區永春捷運步行5分鐘 6月底上台北玩 找了好幾間決定訂Toni的房 果然跟期望的一樣 房間時尚 浴室很大 空調很舒服 在角落的壁櫥內還放象棋跟跳棋等小遊戲 各種小地方都很細心 房內還有咖啡機跟膠囊讓有咖啡癮的我們一早就有香濃的咖啡提神
Cinemas & Theatres | Travel Kaohsiung Ambassador Theatres@Global Mall Taipei. Address: 122 Zhongshan Road, Sec. 3, 4th Floor, Taipei County Tel: ...
List of Cinemas in Taichung in Taichung 2011年12月16日 - 592,HueiWen Rd. (04) 2252-0661. Universal Cinema City (UCC) (Second-Run/Double-Feature Theater) 1-1, ChungHua Rd, Sec. 1 (04) 2224- ...
TAICHUNG CITY > SHOPPING > Jason & Co. Apple Store. 48, JingCheng Rd. (04) 2329-7323 136, YongFu Rd. (04) 2463-6968 www.JasonCo.net Hours: 12 am-10 pm Credit Cards accepted. http://www.Jasonco.net Jason & Co. Apple Store. Located within the famous "Little Europe" area, the Jing Ming ...
The Culture Trip - Taiwan - Art, Food, Culture and Travel Guide Find out why Taichung is one of the most vibrant cities in all Taiwan, with our guide to the top ten art, culture, music and food events in town this summer. ... The Weird and Wonderful Sculptures of Shih Chieh Huang Taipei's 10 Best Contemporary Art Gall