Windows Firewall blocks some programs after you install Windows XP SP3 Discusses the behavior that occurs because Windows Firewall is turned on by default and blocks unsolicited programs. To make an exception for a program to run, add it to the exceptions list in Windows Firewall. Alternatively, you can open a port.
Change RDP Port in XP Firewall - Firewalls - Windows XP Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.work_remotely (More info?) I need to do modify the firewall settings for RDP to allow Port 3390, not 3389 in the Windows XP (SP2) firewall. Can this be done? I have already modified the registry in a remote
開啟windows防火牆,沒辦法用\\IP的方式連到對方電腦,要如何去設定呢 ... 2009年11月30日 - 原來是windows 7防火牆預設的只開放給[本機子網路]連入, 而XP那台 ... 後來我把預設的規則修改成允許IP 134和135均可連入,就沒這問題了。
Windows XP Firewall Configuration, Block Port, Unblock Port, Add Exceptions, Enable Windows Firewall Parameter Description Port Action Select whether to block, unblock, or to retain client settings using the Windows XP Firewall. The default option is Block. Choose Port [Number - Name - Protocol] Specify the port in the form of Port Number - Port Name - P
How do I block a port with Windows XP SP2 firewall - Firewalls - Windows XP Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?) I want to block a specific port number with Windows XP SP2 Firewall. I can find how to make exceptions but now how to block ports. Thanks Will
How to manually open ports in Internet Connection Firewall in Windows XP Explore these great resources across
Security: Open a port in Windows XP Firewall - YouTube By default, all non-essential ports are closed on any firewall. Periodically, a user or an admin needs to open ports for a particular program. The process requires knowing the port number, port protocol and the steps for the individual firewall.
Opening port 5353 in the Windows XP Firewall to enable an XP PC to configure the Airport Express and Opening port 5353 in the Windows XP Firewall to enable an XP PC with SP1 to configure the Airport Express and use AirTunes If you have the Windows XP Firewall enabled, you will need to have port 5353 open in order to configure the Airport Express ...
Add Radmin port to Windows XP firewall - Portable freeware utilities. How to add the Radmin port to the Windows XP firewall. To remotely access your or your customers PC, I recommend using the remote administrator utility know as Radmin. Here is a walk through guide for how to add the Radmin port 4899 to your Windows XP ...
Matttt的空間: windows XP 開啟防火牆的PORT 2010年1月8日 - 開啟防火牆的方式通常windwos XP的防火牆是開啟的所以要是沒有設定外部是無法連進去所以要設定好才能讓外部連到這台電腦 開啟控制台.