Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista and XP Tutorials The old Volume Control from Windows XP was replaced in Windows Vista, 7 and 8 by the Volume Mixer. The new application brings to Windows much more flexibility regarding the sound management of the different applications you have installed on your PC. In .
開啟或關閉使用者帳戶控制- Windows 說明 了解如何設定使用者帳戶控制,以便在電腦進行需要系統管理員等級權限的變更時 ... 在搜尋方塊中,輸入uac,然後按一下[變更使用者帳戶控制設定]。 .... Windows 7.
[Windows 7][Vista]如何關閉UAC - 小歐ou | 菜鳥自救會- 點部落 2009年12月7日 ... Windows 7 提供四個等級的使用者帳戶設定(UAC),在預設情況下,當您對電腦進行 需要系統管理員等級權限的變更前,UAC 會先通知您。 假如想要 ...
真正關閉Windows 8的UAC,讓電腦操作更方便| T客邦- 我只推薦好東西 2013年5月16日 ... 從Windows Vista以來,UAC的安全性控制就是使用者心中的痛,不僅造成 ... 上就算 是Administrator帳號也不是最高權限,這是Win 8安全性改進的 ...
真正關閉Windows 8的UAC @ PCuSER 電腦人:: 痞客邦PIXNET :: 從Windows Vista以來,UAC的安全性控制就是使用者心中的痛,不僅造成操作上的 ... 將Win 8的UAC關閉,但是實際上就算是Administrator帳號也不是最高權限,這 ...
Disable User Account Control (UAC) the Easy Way on Win 7, 8, or Vista I’ve previously written about a way to enable or disable UAC from the command line. This is an easier method that you can use to do the same thing from the GUI interface in either Windows 7, 8, 8.1, or Vista. To recap my earlier article, UAC is ANNOYING.
該解除Windows 8的使用者帳戶控制的封印嗎? | 挨踢路人甲 2012年11月27日 ... 一般來說,使用者必須有系統管理員的權限,才安裝一些必須動到系統的應用 ... 〔 使用者帳戶〕的視窗畫面,選取「變更使用者帳戶控制設定」,在出現的 ...
Enable or Disable UAC From the Windows 7, 8, or Vista Command Line I tried to disable UAC from thw Windows Vista, but it did not work. When I typed the command line, it said “Access Denied”. I guess it is because I am not tagged as the Administrator of the computer. But I do not know why I am not the Admin.. I just bough
How to Run Metro Apps in Windows 8 with UAC Turned Off | Team Windows 8 But in Windows 8 disabling UAC will effect metro apps and you will not be able to run them while UAC is ...
User Account Control (UAC) - Change Settings in Windows 8 How to Change User Account Control (UAC) Settings in Windows 8 and 8.1 Information User Account Control (UAC) helps prevent potentially ... Hello Scran, and welcome to Eight Forums. In Windows 8, UAC is never fully turned off even with it set to "Never No