Take a screen capture (print your screen) - Microsoft Windows Help Learn how to take a picture of your computer screen, and then print it or paste it into a document or e-mail. ... You can take a picture of what is on your screen by pressing PRINT SCREEN (PRTSC or PRTSCN on some ...
螢幕擷取(列印您的螢幕) - Microsoft Windows 說明 了解如何擷取電腦螢幕的圖片,然後列印圖片或是將圖片貼到文件或電子郵件中 ... 電腦和其他裝置沒有PrtScn 鍵,或者需要使用不同的按鍵組合來抓取螢幕擷取畫面 ...
Download the Desktop Shortcut to the Windows 8 Start Screen I’ve noticed a growing complaint with Windows 8: the fact that, on the Desktop there is no visible shortcut to take you to the Start screen. Something like "Show Start", just like we had Show Desktop in Windows XP. For a novice user, there is no clue show
"Start" Screen Shortcut - Create in Windows 8 How to Download a "Start" Screen Shortcut in Windows 8 and 8.1 Information This tutorial will provide you with a Start button ... Thank you, Shaun, except I am unable to download the start.exe file. When I click on one of the .png files, then I see a page
Table of keyboard shortcuts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Save screenshot of window as file, ⇧ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + 4 then Space, Alt + Print Screen set the name and click "Save".
Quick Tip: Take fast screenshots with Windows 8 shortcut ... 10 Apr 2013 ... If you click the keyboard combination of the Windows Key + Print Screen, Windows 8 will capture the ...
How to Take a Screenshot in Windows 8 with No Extra Software 27 Aug 2012 ... Today we are going to show you a nifty new shortcut built into Windows 8 that lets you capture ...
Screen Shots in Windows 8 -Rapid Screen Shots - Microsoft Support Rapid screen shots in Windows 8. There a more an more situations where you want to capture a screen shot of a web ...
6 Ways to Take Screenshots in Windows 8 & 8.1, Using Built-in Tools How to take screenshots in Windows 8 & Windows 8.1, both on PCs and tablets, like Microsoft Surface. ... Open the window you want to capture and press Alt + PrtScn on your keyboard. The screenshot ...
Use Snipping Tool to capture screen shots - Windows Help You can use Snipping Tool to capture a screen shot, or snip, of any object on your screen, and then annotate, save, or share the image. Simply use a mouse or tablet pen to capture any of the following types of snips: Free-form Snip. Draw an irregular line