Microsoft Windows - Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows 作業系統的官方網站。 探索 Windows 相關資訊、取得下載,並尋找 Windows ... 免費防毒軟體 影像中心 Movie Maker 語言套件 Windows Service Pack 產品 產品 ...
Windows 相容性中心 MP3 和媒體播放程式 電視裝置 通訊裝置 滑鼠、鍵盤和輸入裝置 顯示器 網路功能 圖形卡和元件 儲存裝置 查看哪些可用 尋找相容性資訊並取得 Windows 相容的裝置驅動程式、應用程式更新和下載 ...
Office 2003 應用程式並不相容於 Windows 8 說明不相容於 Windows 8 Microsoft Office 2003年是的問題。 ... 重要:本文是以 Microsoft 機器翻譯軟體翻譯而成,而非使用人工翻譯而成。Microsoft 同時提供使用者人工翻譯 ...
Office 2003 應用程式並不相容於Windows 8 - Microsoft Support 說明不相容於Windows 8 Microsoft Office 2003年是的問題。
Solved Office 2003 + Windows 8 Pro x64 - Windows 8 Forums A consensus is emerging in Windows 8 forums around the net that Office 2003 as a suite or individuals apps therefrom break Windows 8's ...
Office compatibility with Windows 8 - Office Watch 2012年10月28日 - Microsoft changes the Office compatibility for Windows 8 but doesn't explain ... Office XP and earlier versions of Office are also marked as 'not ...
Office 2003 applications are not compatible with Windows 8 Describes issue where Microsoft Office 2003 is not compatible with Windows 8. ... Microsoft Office 2003 suites and applications are not compatible with Windows 8. We recommend you check the version of Microsoft Office installed on your PC before you upgra
Will Office 2003 work with Windows 8? - Microsoft Community 25 Oct 2012 ... Microsoft Office 2003 suites and applications aren't compatible with Windows 8 ( or Windows 8 Pro).
compatibility of Office 2003 with windows 8 - Microsoft Community Answer Graham Mayor replied on December 21, 2012 MVP Microsoft says Office 2003 is not compatible with Windows 8, but their compatibility checker apparently claims that it is. Whether or not you can install Office 2003, the documents ...
Office compatibility with Windows 8 - Office Watch Microsoft changes the Office compatibility for Windows 8 but doesn’t explain why, so we do. ... When we tried Office 2003 with Windows 8 release version it wasn’t compatible during install or operation. So then why does the Microsoft Compatibility Center