[最新版] Windows 8 作業系統下載(Windows 8 Developer Preview) | 重灌狂人 2013/10/18 更新:期待已久,Windows 8.1 最新正式版已經推出,目前正版使用者可從「市集」裡下載更新,參考:如何免費下載、升級至 Windows 8.1 最新版作業系統。 2012/2/29 更新:最新版 Windows 8 客戶預覽版(Windows 8 Consumer P...
Windows 8 下載 Developer Preview 版 - 關鍵應用 Window 8 已開放下載 Developer Preview 版本了,估計還有很多人或企業都還沒進入 Windows 7 的時代,微軟卻已釋出了 Windows 8 Developer Preview 版本,供開發人員進行測試、開發軟、硬體用的「預覽」版本,根據報導 Window 8 除可用於傳統電腦外,還可 ...
Update from Windows 8.1 Preview to Windows 8.1 - Windows ... Get additional help with updating your PC from Windows 8.1 Preview and Windows RT 8.1 Preview to Windows 8.1 and ...
Windows Dev Center Content, samples, downloads, design inspiration, videos, and other resources you need to complete your app development project for Windows Phone and Windows devices. ... POWERFUL TOOLS Get the speed and power that you need to build epic, device ...
Downloads for building Store apps – Windows app development Find downloads that can help you build your Store app. ... Downloads for building Store apps Now you can build a Store app that can target each form factor of Windows devices through the shared Windows Runtime in Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1.
Downloads - Windows Dev Center Find current and earlier releases of the SDK , including Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 7 ... Get Windows 8.1 Update from MSDN Subscriber Downloads ...
Windows Dev Center Content, samples, downloads, design inspiration, videos, and other resources you need to complete your app development project for Windows Phone and ...
Windows 8 Developer Preview (1/3) | Single.9 Windows 8 Developer Preview 就是 Windows 8 的公開測試版本,也是 Microsoft 間接宣布 Windows 8 ...
Welcome to Windows 8 – The Developer Preview - Building Windows 8 - Site Home - MSDN Blogs Download Windows 8 Release Preview Windows Dev Center Follow us @Build Windows8 The //build/ conference ...
Windows 8 Developer Preview開發預覽版下載,嘗鮮Windows 8 | 就是教不落 鬧的沸沸揚揚的 Windows 8在前天的2011 Build Windows 大會中終於初步的展示出來,很快的也提供了 Windows 8 ...