如何以離線的方式下載與安裝適用於 Windows 電腦的 Java? 安裝 Java 的程序大體上由以下部分組成: 下載與安裝 測試安裝 » Windows 系統需求 注意:安裝 Java 需要您能夠取得電腦上的 Windows 管理員存取權。
64 位元的Windows 作業系統應該選擇哪一種Java 下載? 平台: 64-bit Windows, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows 2008 Server; 瀏覽器: ...
Java SE Runtime Environment 7 Downloads - Oracle If you want to run Java programs, but not develop them, download the Java Runtime Environment, or JRETM. If you want to develop ... Linux x64 - RPM Installer, 20.22 MB, jre-7-linux-x64.rpm. Linux x64 ...
Java SE Runtime Environment 7 - Downloads | Oracle ... If you want to develop applications for Java, download the Java Development Kit, or JDKTM. The JDK ...
JRE Installation for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) - Oracle Trying to install the Java SE Runtime Environment on a non-supported version of ... For example, if you are downloading the installer for update 1.6.0_01, the ...
JDK 7 and JRE 7 Installation Guide - Oracle Documentation 跳到 Microsoft Windows - Windows System Requirements for JDK and JRE - Describes minimum processor, disk space, and memory requirements for the ...
How do I manually download and install Java for my Windows Use these simple instructions to manually download and install Java (also known ... Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 2008 Server ...
java 32 bit jre free download for Windows 7 java 32 bit jre free download for Windows 7 - Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 32bits Run Java applications on your PC and web browser, and much more programs.
下載免費Java 軟體 本頁面是您下載或更新現有Java Runtime Environment (JRE、Java Runtime,亦稱 作Java ... 為何我在瀏覽含Java 應用程式的網頁時,總是會被重導至此頁面?
如何在Windows 中尋找Java 版本- 手動方法 如何在不執行Applet 的情況下尋找Windows 中安裝的Java 版本? 本文適用於: 平台: Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP; Java 版本: 6.0, 7.0. 您可以在 下列 ...