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Windows 7 向下相容的殺手武器 XP Mode | demo小鋪 Windows 7 向下相容的殺手武器 XP Mode 2009-10-10 35976 2 將本文推到Facebook 將本文推到Twitter 將本文推到Plurk 下載本文PDF 有鑑於之前 Vista 對於向下相容付出了慘痛代價後 Windows7 這次的相容性大大提昇了不少(雖然有很多是因為Vista的貢獻),但 ...
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Downgrade to IE6 on a Windows 7 - Microsoft Community My machine came with Windows 7, IE8. I would like to downgrad IE8 to IE6 on my Windows 7 machine. Is this possible? If it is not possible can you direct me to documentation ...
Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 7 - TechyCentral - From virtualization & cloud computing to simple wi How to use Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 7. Internet Explorer 6 is widely used and needed for a lot of LOB applications. ... Actually that add-on doesn't work, I tried it and many other things trying to hold on to my IE6 based system at my home based bus