Windows 2008 R2 DFS(分散式檔案系統)HA架構實作及進階設定(含AD架構) - Jason的電腦健身房- 點部落 沒有永遠的安全 沒有永遠的弱點 (有牌的神經病) ... re: Windows 2008 R2 DFS(分散式檔案系統)HA架構實作及進階設定(含AD架構) 請問一下我的SERVER都加入同一個DC,但是他們卻不會自動同步原本以為是執行配額設定太小,不過我設定各100G,我看檔案好想 ...
阿慶的狗窩: 【Memo】Windows Server 2008 R2 新機設定一次 ... 2013年11月15日 - 【Memo】Windows Server 2008 R2 新機設定一次搞定 · 以文找文 ... 防火牆允許Ping... netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name="檔案及印表機共用( ...
Windows Server 2008 R2 Configuring the firewall for an FTP Server - YouTube Windows Server 2008 R2 Configuring the firewall for an FTP Server.
Allow Remote Desktop Services and Ping Through Firewall on Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 - ITP ITProGuru Dan Stolts Blog Expert Tips and Tricks on Systems Management and Security ... This post in in response to questions on how to turn maintain remote connectivity to a server running Hyper-V with the firewall enabled.
Windows Server 2008 R2 – Firewall enable ping | Musings on Education and Technology If you find that you are not able to ping your Windows Server 2008 machine, its probably because someone disabled the following rule File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In). This rule has nothing much to do with file and printer sharing but ra
Windows 2008 R2防火墙(允许被Ping) - 活不明白的博客 ... 2010年5月30日 - 出于安全因素考虑,在Windows 2008 R2上是不允许从外部对其Ping指令,如果需要配置允许被Ping,必须通过“高级安全Windows防火墙”进行配置 ... | Everything about System Center | Configure/open Firewall ports for MS SQL 2008 R2/Windo @echo ===== SQL Server Ports @echo Enabling SQLServer default instance port 1433 netsh firewall set portopening TCP 1433 "SQLServer" @echo Enabling Dedicated Admin Connection port 1434 netsh firewall set portopening ...
Cannot ping Windows Server 2008 R2 machine from inside the network Network Infrastructure Servers ... Most likely your Windows Firewall. Set Windows Firewall to allow ICMP replies from ..
Firewall is Enabled and Configured on Windows Server 2008/R2 Domain Controllers In this article the author reviews Windows Server 2008/R2 Firewall settings and options on Domain Controllers. ... Secure Sharing: Collaboration without Compromise (Part 1) In this multi-part article, we’re going to discuss the problem of why secure shari
Windows 7 cannot ping domain name from Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain - Microsoft Community Hi all, for a few days I installed a new Windows Server 2008 R2 with Active Directory and Exchange Server on it. Overview Server: (that are not my exact Server and domain names ...