【分享】訂便當系統(第1頁) - 台北幸福山港- Mobile01 由於01全面禁止團購行為,但是團體採買在這個物價飛漲的年代,幾乎是身為小市民賴以看緊荷包的唯一方法,...
防火牆設定 - 架設伺服器主機之防火牆設定方式 - Windows Firewall篇 防火牆設定是一門專業的學問,許多人裝了防火牆卻不知該如何設定導致許多原本正常的網路服務(server)都不能運行,本篇教學將告訴您如何設定防火牆以開網站
HOW TO:在Windows 2000 電腦上安裝和設定防火牆 本文將告訴您,如何安裝Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 並且將其 設定為防火牆。如果要將ISA Server 架構 ...
Windows Firewall blocks some programs after you install Windows XP SP3 Discusses the behavior that occurs because Windows Firewall is turned on by default and blocks unsolicited programs. To make an exception for a program to run, add it to the exceptions list in Windows Firewall. Alternatively, you can open a port.
內建在Microsoft Windows 的簡易防火牆(IP Filter)使用教學 ... 2006年9月27日 - 但隨著網路科技的發達,防火牆,已經不是專業網管人員的專利了。 %E5 多人都知道微軟在Windows XP 內建一很陽春的防火牆,因為很陽春, ...
通過防火牆的Exchange 2000 Windows 2000 連線 - Microsoft Support Windows 2000 登入功能不需要此連接埠,但是網路系統管理員可能會設定或需要用 到此連接埠。 ... 當Windows 2000 Server 電腦透過防火牆登入網域時,Windows 2000 會以一連串的 TCP/IP Ping 要求傳送 ...
Quickly Turn ON/OFF Windows Firewall Using Command Line :: Admin :: Admin Tips :: Windows Server 200 This article explains how you can quickly Turn Windows Firewall On or Off. This tips applies to Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 only! ... PowerShell Essentials (Part 4) This article continues the discussion of PowerShell basics by explain
After you repair or update ISA Server 2004, the ISA Server 2004 firewall service may not start on a Explore these great resources across Microsoft.com
如何在windows server 2000 開防火牆- Windows 其他版本討論研究- AL8 ... 帖子內容: 大大請問如何在Windows server 2000開防火牆因為我沒找不到防火牆或 是大大你有提供 ...
How to Disable Windows 2000 Firewall | eHow Microsoft Windows 2000 provides a couple of different built-in methods for controlling inbound network traffic. Many of these methods run as a process or executable under the credentials of a user account (a "user mode" process). TCP/IP filtering, commonl