How to add Input Method Editor (IME) support to Windows PE 2.0 Explains how to add Input Method Editor (IME) support to Windows PE 2.0. Windows PE 2.0 is included with Windows Vista. ... echo Preparing IME folder for WinPE. setlocal set WinPEWinDir=
windows - Do something every 10 seconds batch file - Super User I have a batch file: arp -s xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx ipconfig /flushdns How can I do these two commands on Windows XP, every 10 seconds?
Getting User Input - Eric Phelps A discussion of the four main ways of getting user input: Menus, CHOICE, COPY CON, and FC/DATE. ... SET. This only works on Windows 2000 and newer. But it's about time Microsoft built in a way to get user input! When SET is used with the /P option, it wil
batch file - Get user Input in command prompt - Stack Overflow I want to enter a command in command prompt after reaching a specific location. .... Running windows batch file commands asynchronously.
User Input in Windows batch Programming - Stack Overflow User Input Operation in Windows batch Programming ... Browse other questions tagged windows batch-file or ask your own question.
windows - How to read input from console in a batch file? - Stack ... possible duplicate of Problem with user input in my batch file ... Browse other questions tagged windows batch-file dos ms-dos or ask your own ...
windows - problem in batch script read user input - Stack Overflow Read up on delayed expansion in help set . By default environment variables ( % foo% ) are expanded when cmd parses a line. And a line in this case ...
User Input Operation in Windows batch Programming - Stack Overflow User Input Operation in Windows batch Programming ... as in the move command like: move c:/cdrs/%theuserinput% d:/%theuserinput% I just ...
Batch files - Ask For User Input - Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages 22 Aug 2014 ... The CHOICE command was discontinued in Windows NT 4, only to be ... copies the user input on the command line to the file filename. To stop ...
Prompting for Input | Windows Batch Files for Fun and Profit | Que 1 Feb 2008 ... Prompting for Input. If your batch file has to print a message you definitely don't want the users to miss, use the pause statement to make the ...