Wii.com Nintendo's Wii video game console brings gaming to people of all ages. Discover Wii games, Wii accessories, and the benefits of connecting your Wii online. ...
How to Connect Wii to a Projector | eHow The Nintendo Wii is one of Nintendo's most popular consoles ever, with terrific games like Metroid Prime and Twilight Princess, as well as party favorites like Wii Sports and ...
Wii - 投影機玩 Wii - 遊戲討論區 - Mobile01 有沒有人用投影機玩 Wii 的呢?請教一下布幕、投影機、與使用者的空間配置如何搭配?如何盡情揮灑,... ... 好棒的配置啊,的確,找專人來設計才是上策。 弟主要是玩跳舞、運動健身類為主。例如玩 Michael Jackson 跳舞體驗的時候希望有大影幕 ...
wii投影機 - 新聞搜尋結果
Wii投影機 - 相關圖片搜尋結果
請問wii如何接投影機阿??(需要詳細教學) - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 我的投影機是optoma ep716的請問要怎麼接wii阿??需要再另外購買什麼嘛?可以詳解嗎??@@3QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ ... 2008-01-14 20:50:00 補充 你現在用甚麼信號接給wii呀/ 色差嗎? 你的投影機要轉換線才能轉,甚至得進到選單把rgb切為y pbpr
Wii Projectors The HD65 projector is not just about gaming, it brings your movies alive, it's ideal for that big sporting event, ... The first Donkey Kong Country game developed for play for Wii, this new iteration blends familiar actions, levels and characters with a w
【心得】[Wii] 自製紅外線 Sensor bar (投影機篇) @Wii 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特 因為最近買了一台投影機想在上面玩wii,可是遇到wii主機離投影幕距離遠,Sensor bar 拿不到投影幕下面,即使勉強放在下面,還要準備個桌子給他放,多出來的線不小心踢到感應就會偏掉,而市面上雖然有賣無線(裝電池)的Sensor bar
Wii - 請問有人用投影機玩Wii嗎? - 遊戲討論區 - Mobile01 之前在討論區聽網友說用投影機玩Wii會有一點問題,可是我想不透會有什麼問題,是不是感應棒放在布幕下...
A Wii Projector? | Projector People News Nintendo Wii on Epson MovieMate 72 Projector a Hit with the Neighbors. “Is that a Wii projector? Where did you get it?” More than one passerby asked this as we played our Nintendo Wii on a 100-inch screen filled by the Epson MovieMate 72 projector in our