Wii Sports Bowling~保齡球~大曲球~全倒密技 - YouTube 球路:大曲球 殺手安目前個人最佳成績,下一步要挑戰個人真實保齡球290分的紀錄。lol 第八球時B鈕突然卡住太晚放球,連1號瓶都沒摸到,殘念~Orz
Wii Sports Bowling~保齡球~大曲球~全倒密技- YouTube 球路:大曲球殺手安目前個人最佳成績,下一步要挑戰個人真實保齡球290分的紀錄。lol 第八球時B鈕突然卡住太晚放球,連1號瓶都沒摸到, ...
酥餅的BLOG:Wii 保齡球曲球滿分達成密技- 樂多日誌 2007年5月7日 ... 我知道很多人早就達成滿分三百分的目標,比較特別的是我是用曲球達成的,更特別 的是,我直球還打不到 ...
Wii Sports: Bowling Power Throws Perfect 890 - YouTube Because so many people thought my 890 was fraudulent and claimed it wasn't "truly perfect" because of the bumper rail trick, I video'ed a "truly perfect" rendition. The camera battery died on the last frame before the final...
wii-保齡球 @ 隨意窩 Xuite 影音 wii-保齡球 (Xuite 影音) Xuite 影音 wii-保齡球 放大 縮小 親愛的用戶您好,為了取得最佳的瀏覽效果 請您將Flash播放器更新為最新版本。 由此處取得 Flash ...
Wii Sports - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wii Sports (Wii スポーツ, Wī Supōtsu?) is a sports game developed and published by Nintendo as a launch title for the Wii video game console (and the first title for this console), and part of the Touch! Generations.[2] The game was first released in North Am
Wii Sports Resort - WII/Bowling - WikiCheats To roll the ball, hold the Wii Remote in front of you, hold B, swing your arm back as if you were actually bowling, then swing your arm forward and release B. To add spin, rotate your wrist to the right or left just before you release the B button. Quick
wii密技 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 請問一下我在wii飯團看到這ㄍ:很多人都知道的保齡球練習第三項目拿182分:把球丟到左邊或是右邊(看你用哪一隻手玩)的欄杆上而且都沒有掉下來,成功的話會聽到"卡"一聲然後爆炸的聲音,之後就看91個瓶子全倒 X2 = 182分我看不太懂ㄟ1.保齡球練習是哪裡 ...
Wii Bowling Tips | eHow - eHow | How to - Discover the expert in you! One of the most popular games in the Wii Sports package is bowling. By using the Wii remote, players can imitate the action of real bowling. Wii Bowling can become frustrating ...
Wii Bowling Games and Accessories — Wii Accessories Bowling is included in Wii Sports, and although the game is easy and fun to play there are other Wii bowling games available for the more serious bowler. Bowling on your Wii can be an activity the whole family can enjoy together. You could even plan a “le