最新下載uLoader v5.1e【Wii USB 外接光碟程式】 @ 宇若彎彎 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 大家或許會有疑問,多數人已有USB Loader GX或CFG Loader等wbf直讀程式,為何又要使用外接光碟機…?理由很簡單 這是一個能支援第二USB裝置的新程式(硬碟只
wii 用usb硬碟來玩完全攻略 | %boblog_title% 您好,最近剛買一台新的WII,想嘗試一下用硬碟完,結果出現下面的狀況… 載USB LODER裡面可以按到遊戲清單不過一進遊戲就黑屏,不管什麼遊戲都一樣.. 我的硬碟是WD 1.5TB 3.5吋 SATA II 硬碟+外接線,是否因為硬碟太大?
Wii 4.3(E/U/J/K) 改機(Hackmii)、USB Loader 一次來 @ PSP工具大百科 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌 好吧,秉持著只要是知道的東西都一定要上架的強迫症促使下,Wii 的改機教學也上來了.......... 這一篇我主要是以 USB Loader GX 為主,沒有其它原因,只因為 GX 牌的 USB Loader 的介面我比較喜歡。而且,可以用來替換的主題也比較
We Hack Wii / USB Loader Can I get some additional help please? Noob Starter Guide Complete Softmod Guide GAF's Wii Homebrew Tutorial Deviyl's Wii Homebrew Tutorial xzxero's Wii Homebrew Tutorial USB Loader GX FAQ Are there any more good ...
Wii[軟改] 目前最新版的軟改教學(圖文圖學)HBC、cIOS ... 我的wii是3.1j..沒有改過..按照大大的教學一步一步做了..不知道成功沒..想玩下到的new supermario brother..美版破解版..用neogamma r8 beta3 進不去遊戲..畫面是一片綠然後wii ...
Wii 4.3J 軟改步驟五(用 USB Loader GX 將原版光碟倒到硬碟裡) - YouTube 1. 進入 Homebrew 頻道 2. 進入 USB Loader GX 程式 3. 選左邊的 + 號 4. 插入光碟(這邊是新超馬利歐)後按 OK 5. 完成後按左邊的封面圖按,依序點 3D Covers、Flat Covers 和 Disc Image 來下載遊戲封面 6. 按右邊的列表選要玩的遊戲 7....
Install USB loader application on your Wii Homebrew Channel. This next step will explain how to usb loader on your Wii.Before you can install usb loader to your Wii you first need the ...
Installation - usbloader-gui - Installing USB Loader GX on your Wii. - USB Loader GX: GUI for Wanink The Homebrew Channel mode means that USB Loader GX is not physically installed on your Wii, it is only copied on your SD Card or your USB device and is launched from the Homebrew Channel. The advantage of this installation is that it is very easy to insta
Wii Theme Depository - Themes for USB Loader GX, Wiiflow, Mymenuify and more - Home Welcome to the Spiffy 360 Wii Theme Depository where you can find themes for the most popular USB Loaders and more. You can create and add your own themes to the site for others to download either through this website or through the software itself on you
Usb Loader - GAF's Wii Homebrew Tutorial Configurable USB Loader will copy your games to hard drive and let you play them USB Loaders allow you to rip your own discs to an external USB hard drive and then run them from there. This will minimise load times, generally improve performance and means