Wi-Fi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wi-Fi, also spelled Wifi or WiFi, is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly using radio waves.
Wi-Fi - 维基百科 Wi-Fi ( 英语发音: / ˈ w aɪ f aɪ / )是 Wi-Fi聯盟 製造商的商標可做為產品的品牌認證,是一個建立於 IEEE 802.11 標準的 無線區域網絡 設備。基於兩套系統的密切 ...
Wireless access point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In computer networking, a wireless access point (AP) is a device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network using Wi-Fi, or related standards. The AP usually connects to a router (via a wired network ... ...
Wi-Fi - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書 Wi-Fi 目的係想唔網絡都可以互通,等電腦、遊戲機、打印機等等都可以用 Wi-Fi 上網 ... 此外,麥當勞都係香港一個常見嘅免費Wi-Fi 熱點。部份巴士都有Wi-Fi服務 ...
無線接取器- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 在電腦網絡用语中,无线接入点或無線接收盒或無線網路基地台(Access Point或Wireless Access Point,縮寫為AP或WAP)是一种連接無線網絡,亦可以連接有線 ...
Wi-Fi - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 全球已建和建造中的Wi-Fi城市已經超過500個,其中覆蓋率最高者為台北市,其已達到全市已有4000個無線存取點(AP, Access Point),未來將至10000個,覆蓋率 ...
Wireless access point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In computer networking, a wireless Access Point (AP) is a device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired ...
YAWA - Wifi Automate when near cell tower and AP - Tasker Wiki This is Yet Another Wifi Automater using minimal battery use. It is similar to: http://tasker.wikidot.com/low-battery-usage-wifi-enableing-profile-using-wifi-near However with some key differences: 1. By default it comes with support for two access points
Wi-Fi - Wireless Wiki Welcome! Wireless Wiki is a practical, comprehensive, and objective resource for wireless... ... EMEA = Europe, Middle East and Asia (except where otherwise specified) Maximum permitted power varies by region. Channel spacing is 0.005 GHz (5 MHz), except
Wifi - Gentoo Wiki Gentoo Wifi Installation Gentoo Install via WIFI If installing Gentoo and a wifi connection is needed for installation: The Gentoo minimal install CD has a limited set of wifi drivers available, and will require manual wpa_supplicant setup for WPA/WPA2/En