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Seattle Weather Forecasts | Maps | News - Yahoo! Weather Partly Cloudy. 73° 23° 74° 23° 53° 12° F C. Data from The Weather Channel.
Yahoo Weather API | ProgrammableWeb - ProgrammableWeb - APIs, Mashups and the Web as Platform API Name Description Category Date WeatherTrigger The WeatherTrigger API allows users to retrieve weather information for the last 7 days, the current weather, or the 7-day forecast. Users can query data for locations around the world by ...
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Weather Forecast for Australia | Yahoo!7 Weather 7-day weather forecast and current temperature. ... Current Conditions Adelaide-34.9231 138.6206-50 0-75-7 (34.9231 S, 138.6206 E, 48m AMSL)
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