Jumper settings on WD Caviar SE SATA HDD - Hard Drives - Storage I have a 1-TB drive that I installed in my desktop as my master drive. I would like to add (2) Western Digital Caviar SE WD2500 SATA. One as a second master drive and the second and the slave to the second master drive, but I am clueless as to the pin/jum
Jumper Settings Info Sheet - Western Digital Hard Drives, Network Drives, Media Players umper settings determine the order in which EIDE hard drives and other devices attached to a single interface cable are detected by a computer system. On SATA hard drives, jumper settings enable or disable enterprise-level features. Setting the jumpers co
WD Blue - Western Digital Hard Drives, Network Drives, Media Players WD Blue Desktop 3.5-inch Hard Drives ... Drive with confidence We perform tests on hundreds of systems, configurations, and a multitude of platforms in our FIT Lab to give our customers the confidence that our drives will work in their systems for the ult
WD SATA2 硬碟 Jumper 設定 - 電腦綜合討論區 ~舉凡本店最新公告,電腦問題詢問處 - 崴德網路 ...- Powered by Discuz! 因為我的舊主機板是A7V880 (南橋VT8237),所以我所有的WD硬碟都要設 jumper 5-6 讓它變成SATA-1才能使用(Problems encountered installing SATA II hard drives on SATA I controllers),之前9顆WD都沒問題,可是今天入手的 WD1001FALS-00E3A0 設了 卻 ...
請教WD 500G 的SATA jumper調法 - PCDVD數位科技討論區 請教WD 500G 的SATA jumper調法 帳戶 記住我? 密碼 主題工具 hieix Junior Member 加入日期: Nov 2004 文章: 778 ... 有些只支援SATA I的主機板能夠成功辨識SATA II硬碟 但仍有很多主機板是一定要將硬碟降成SATA I,BIOS ...
WD SATA2 硬碟Jumper 設定- 電腦綜合討論區~舉凡本店最新公告,電腦問題 ... 2011年3月14日 ... 因為我的舊主機板是A7V880 (南橋VT8237),所以我所有的WD硬碟都要設jumper 5 -6 讓它變成SATA-1 ...
WD 支援/ 安裝/ SATA & SAS / WD Blue / SE / SE16 (SATA II) - Support WDBAAX7500ENC, 750 GB, SATA 3 Gb/s or PATA, 7200, N/A, 16 MB (SATA)/8 MB (PATA), 跳針設定.
Jumper settings on WD SATA drives - Hard Disk Drives (HDD) - Storage Forums Jumper settings on WD SATA drives - posted in Hard Disk Drives (HDD): One of the reasons I jumped on Serial ATA so fast was the fact that the specification had finally done away with the master/slave jumper configuration. However, on many of the new Seria
Western Digital 1000GB (1TB) 7200rpm SATA-III 6Gbps HDD w. 64MB Cache (WD10EZEX) | Techbuy Australia Support for this jumper setting is no longer needed on newer drives. For optimal performance on all XP installations WD recommends running the WD Align utility ...
[分享] WD SATA2 硬碟Jumper 設定|星塵 2007年8月22日 ... 如果OPT1 jumper設定無法解決這問題,請聯絡WD支援部門, 以便更進一步的解決 此問題。 圖:我順便補 ...