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Microsoft Visual Studio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 (formerly Team System or Team Suite) is codenamed Rosario It includes new modeling tools, such as the Architecture Explorer, which graphically displays projects and classes and the ...
Visual Studio 2010 Professional 專業版 - Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio 2010 Professional is packed with new and enhanced features that simplify the entire development process from design to deployment. ... Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional 專業版是執行基本開發工作的個人適用的基本工具。它可簡化在各種 ...
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如何:找出Visual Studio 產品金鑰 - MSDN - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 · Visual Studio 2012. 當您使用客戶 ... 在Microsoft 網站的 MSDN 訂閱頁面上。 您所購買軟體 ... 相同金鑰。 若要取得Visual Studio Express 版 的產品金鑰,請重新註冊,然後就會提供金鑰。
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