辦公室Office,網際網路,網頁設計,電腦製圖,美工繪圖 ... 辦公室Office,網際網路,網頁設計,電腦製圖,美工繪圖,影像處理,程式設計,資料庫,原廠認證,專業認證,證照檢定,網路管理 ... 多媒體應用系列 Video Studio 會聲會影 Movie ...
撰寫影像處理程式難不倒我!! - 簡單的數位影像處理( C# 篇) 在這裡我們並不是要你寫一個程式去跟ACDSee 打對台, 這篇文章. 主要的目的是 希望透過這樣的教學讓你瞭解, 如何把秀圖與簡單的影像處理功能加入既有的. 軟體 中 ...
[C&C++] strtok | 逍遙文工作室 讀取檔案時,時常需要處理字串,才能進行後續的動作。而我最常使用的函式是strtok,看了網路上的範例後直接拿來…
The CImg Library - C++ Template Image Processing Toolkit The C++ Templated Image Processing Library, provides simple classes and functions to process and display images. For Unix/X11 and Windows. [Open source, GPL]
How to compile MFC code in Visual C++ Express - CodeProject How to compile your existing MFC code in Visual C++ Express.; Author: Danny Ruijters; Updated: 26 Oct 2008; Section: MFC; Chapter: Platforms, Frameworks & Libraries; Updated: 26 Oct 2008 ... MFC42D.DLL is the debug version of the MFC dll, which is not ...
Boost C++ Libraries 簡介 | Heresy's Space Boost C++ Libraries 基本上是一個免費的 C++ 的跨平台函式庫集合,基本上應該可以把它視為… ... 這篇大概就先寫到這了。接下來,Heresy 應該會把一些自己有在用的 Boost Library 整理一些簡單的教學、範例出來,不過基本上,應該不可能全部都寫就是了。
Mathtools.net : C,C++/Image Processing - Mathtools.net - A Resource for the Technical Computing Comm Listing of C++ image processing related links, tools, and resources. ... CImg : A Templated Image Processing Library in C++ The CImg Library is a C++ toolkit that provides simple classes and functions to process and display images within your own C++ code
Microsoft Case Study: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 - Massachusetts General Hospital Massachusetts General Hospital - Parallelization of Native C++ Code Helps Reduce 3-D Image-Processing Times by a Factor of 20 ... At that time, the algorithm was written in native Microsoft Visual C++ code and ran on the 32-bit version of the Windows oper
OpenCV - Official Site OpenCV is released under a BSD license and hence it’s free for both academic and commercial use. It has C++, C, Python and Java interfaces and supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS and Android. OpenCV was designed for computational efficiency and with a ..
VC_ImageProcessing 《Visual C++數字圖像獲取、處理及實踐應用》楊枝靈、王開等編著。內容:第4章 ...- www.pudn.com 詳細說明:《Visual C++數字圖像獲取、處理及實踐應用》楊枝靈、王開等編著。內容:第4章 圖像增強(對比度增強、灰度變換法、直方圖修整法、圖像平滑、圖像銳化、偽彩色和假彩色增強);第5章 圖像複原(逆濾波複原、維納濾波方法);第6章 圖像 ...