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Volume.exe: Set volume control levels using Visual Basic Volume.exe is a self-extracting compressed file that contains a sample project demonstrating how to set the volume and microphone levels using Visual Basic. ... Option Explicit Dim hmixer As Long ' mixer handle Dim volCtrl As MIXERCONTROL ...
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A Synchronized Volume Control for your Application - CodeProject Using WinMM.DLL to build a Volume Control synchronized to the system Volume Control utility.; Author: Maurice Tarrant; Updated: 16 Jan 2008; Section: C#; Chapter ...
Download Visual Basic 6.0 to Visual Basic .NET FMStock Upgrade Case Study - Before Upgrade from Offi Visual Basic Upgrade Case Study that illustrates the upgrade of FMStocks from Visual Basic 6.0 to Visual Basic .NET. ... This case study showcases the process of upgrading a Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 application to a functionally equivalent Visual Basic
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VB.NET Imaging - Rotate Image Using VB.NET If you are going to process a large volume of image files that are saved with different orientations, then you may probably need to a .NET solution which can help you rotate image file so that the source image format can be correctly displayed on the comp
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