verb phrase (VP) - English Grammar & Composition: Tips, Terms, Examples (1) In traditional grammar, a word group that includes a verb and its auxiliaries. (2) In generative grammar, a predicate: that is, a lexical verb and all the words governed by that verb ...
Verb phrase dictionary definition | verb phrase defined verb phrase noun The definition of a verb phrase is the part of a sentence that contains a group of two or more verbs. An example of a verb phrase is "was walking." verb phrase noun Abbr. VP A phrase consisting of a verb and its auxiliaries, as should be
Verb Phrases Definition and Examples - Grammar & Composition (i) The verb phrase contains anything which follows the verb within the same sentence. (ii) The verb phrase ... Martin's, 2008). Also Known As: VP, verbal phrase ...
Verb Phrase Examples | Below are some verb phrase examples with explanation: She has taken the job. (Auxiliary has + main verb t ...
Verb Phrase Examples | Definition: Verb Phrase. In simple words, a verb of more than one word is called a verb phrase. It is a phrase consisting of a verb, its auxiliaries (helping verbs), ...
What is a Verb Phrase? - Definition, Structure & Examples ... In this lesson, you will review the basic definition of verbs. Then you will learn about verb phrases and be able to identify verb phrases in sentences. Test your ...
What is a Verb Phrase? - Definition, Structure & Examples | In this lesson, you will review the basic definition of verbs. Then you will learn about verb phrases and be able to identify verb phrases in sentences. Test your ...
What is a Verb Phrase? - Definition, Structure & Examples | Education Portal In this lesson, you will review the basic definition of verbs. Then you will learn about verb phrases and be able to identify verb phrases in... ... Earning College Credit Did you know… We have over 100 college courses that prepare you to earn credit by e
Verb Phrase - English Grammar Rules & Usage - YourDictionary A verb phrase can be the predicate of a sentence or a clause. In this case, there will usually be a helping verb in addition to the verb. Here are some examples of ...
Phrasal Verbs List | EnglishClub This page lists about 200 common phrasal verbs in English, and gives their meaning and an example sentence for each. Phrasal Verbs Quiz follows. Vocabulary ...