For...Next 陳述式 (Visual Basic) 當 For... Next 迴圈開始時,Visual Basic 會評估 start、end 和 step。 Visual Basic 此時只評估這些值並將 start 設為 counter。 在陳述式區塊執行之前, Visual Basic 與 end 比較的 counter 。 如果 counter 大於 end 值 (或小,如果 step 是負值), For 迴圈結束和控制 ...
For...Next 陳述式(Visual Basic) - MSDN - Microsoft 組件. 描述. counter. 在For 陳述式中為必要項。 數值變數。 迴圈(Loop) 的控制項變數。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱本主題中稍後的計數器引數。 datatype. 選擇項。 counter ...
Continue 陳述式(Visual Basic) - MSDN - Microsoft 您可以從Do、For 或While 迴圈內轉移到該迴圈的下一個反覆運算。 控制權會立即移交給迴圈條件測試,這相當於轉移到For 或While 陳述式,或是轉移到包含Until ...
For...Next Statement (Visual Basic) Tip A While...End While Statement (Visual Basic) or Do...Loop Statement (Visual Basic) works well when you don't know in advance how many times to run the statements in the loop. However, when you expect to run the loop a specific number of times, a For..
vba - Continue For loop - Stack Overflow Continue For loop up vote 10 down vote favorite 1 I have the following code For x = LBound(arr) To ...
HOW TO:跳到迴圈的下一個反覆運算(Visual Basic) - MSDN - Microsoft 如果您已經完成對目前Do、For 或While 迴圈(Loop) 的反覆運算處理,則可以使用 Continue Statement ... 從巢狀迴圈跳出 ...
VBA for Loop, Using Loops in VBA in Microsoft Excel | Using Loops The purpose of a loop in VBA is to get Excel to repeat a piece of code a certain number of times. ... ...
How to: Skip to the Next Iteration of a Loop - MSDN - Microsoft ... your processing for the current iteration of a Do, For, or While loop, you can skip immediately to the next iteration by using a Continue Statement (Visual Basic).
what is the "continue" statement for VBA - A continue statement is used to end the current loop iteration and return control to . ... i'm looking for the keyword for continue statement in VBA . .... For/Do/While ' code' If Condition then Continue ' more code' End For/Loop.
VBA For Loop – For Next and For Each In Next | Excel & VBA – Databison The For Loop in VBA is one of the most frequently used loops in VBA. The For loop has two forms: For Next ...