VAIO Fit 15E 簡易開箱(第1頁) - Sony - Mobile01 前言:這真的只是簡易開箱,隨便看看罷外盒包裝相當簡潔有質感外殼其實是珍珠白 ,不是純白,不...
PChome線上購物- VAIO Fit 15E Fit 15E第4代Core i5∥NV 740M 獨顯2G SONY VAIO Fit 15E SVF15329CW/P(粉) 15.5吋Full HD 觸控螢幕∥1TB 大硬碟 ...
VAIO Fit 14E / 15E - Sony VAIO® Fit 14E / 15E | Features, Details, Awards, Related Products, Support | VAIO® Computers.
Sony VAIO Fit 15 評測:工作吧!高質感觸控大筆電| T客邦- 我只推薦 ... 2013年7月15日 ... 將小尺寸交給了VAIO Pro 之後,之為VAIO E 平價效能筆電接班的VAIO Fit 有了新的 走向,把尺寸拉 ...
SONY VAIO Fit 13A 靈活翻轉 由你決定 (第1頁) - Sony - Mobile01 我是辣仔 wrote: 看到 SONY! 我眼一亮! 看到WIN8! 我放棄了! 現在除了Apple的筆電之外,新推出的應該都是WIN8吧!! 我現在也是在Apple MBP Retina 13跟 ...
Sony VAIO Fit 15 review (2013): Sony's mainstream notebooks get a makeover Should you buy the VAIO Fit 15? It's tough to say conclusively, since we still don't know what other companies like HP and Toshiba are going to sell this summer. We do know this: the Fit 15 kicks off back-to-school season on a strong note. We applaud Sony
Specifications | VAIO Fit 14E / 15E | VAIO® Computers | Sony GB VAIO® Fit 14E / 15E | Specifications. ... Utilities. VAIO Transfer Support, VAIO Update, VAIO Control Center. Productivity.
Sony VAIO Fit 15E review | PC Pro 2013年9月17日 - Sony's affordable touchscreen laptop, the VAIO Fit 15E, limbers up ... Hop onto Sony's website and you can tweak the specification as you wish.
Sony Vaio Fit E 15 Review | Digital Trends Reviews 2013年5月6日 - The Sony Vaio Fit E 15 is an all-purpose mainstream laptop with ... at that price you're getting a Pentium processor and seriously basic specs.
SONY VAIO Fit 15E SVF15329CW/P(15.5吋FHD/i5-4200U/1TB/獨顯 ... SONY VAIO Fit 15E SVF15329CW/P(15.5吋FHD/i5-4200U/1TB/獨顯2G/W8.1/粉) - ◇ 桃紅/粉紅, Fit 15E第4代Core i5∥NV 740M 獨顯2GSONY VAIO Fit 15E ...