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USB.org - Welcome Instant, No Hassle Connections Universal Serial Bus (USB) connects more than computers and peripherals. It has the power to connect you with a whole new world of PC experiences. USB is your instant connection to the fun of digital photography or the limit
USB - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The USB 2.0 specification was released in April 2000 and was ratified by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) at the end of 2001. Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Lucent Technologies (now Alcatel-Lucent), NEC and Philips jointly ...
USB 2.0 Documentation USB 3.0 Adopters Agreement USB 3.0 Adopters Agreement (.pdf file format, size 32k) The USB 3.0 Adopters Agreement allows a signing company to participate in a reciprocal, royalty-free licensing arrangement for compliant products. This agreement applies to
USB flash drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A USB flash drive is a data storage device that includes flash memory with an integrated Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface. USB flash drives are typically removable and rewritable, and physically much smaller than an ...
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