美國在台協會- 首頁 美國在台協會(American Institute in Taiwan) 是一非營利性民間機構,於1979年1 ... 美國在台協會與台北經濟文化代表處4月5日結束在華盛頓特區舉行的貿易與投資 ...
駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處 Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles comprehensive informatin about the ROC government on Taiwan includes announcements,official documents and A/V presentations. ... 本處電話 (213)389-1215 急難救助電話 (213)923-3591 本專線專供緊急求助之用(如車禍、搶劫、有關生命危險緊急情況等),倘非 ...
駐美國台北經濟文化代表處 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the U. S. comprehensive informatin about the ROC government on Taiwan includes announcements,official documents and A/V presentations. ... 駐美國代表處緊急聯絡電話: (1-202)6690180 本專線專供緊急求助之用 (如車禍、搶劫、有關生命危險 緊急情況等),倘非急難 ...
Taiwan Embassies, Embassy, Embassies in Taiwan Embassies in Taiwan. Contains addresses, telephone numbers & hours of operations - printable with ...
General Information for Visa Application (For US Passport Holders) - Visa Services - Taipei Economic comprehensive informatin about the ROC government on Taiwan includes announcements,official documents and A/V presentations. ... Last revised on October 18, 2012 VISA EXEMPT ENTRY: Any US passport holder can enjoy visa-exempt entry into Taiwan for up ...
American Institute in Taiwan - Home - 美國在台協會 - 首頁 The American Institute in Taiwan ( AIT) is a non-profit, private corporation established shortly after ...
American Institute in Taiwan - Home All offices of the American Institute in Taiwan will be closed on January 1-2, ...
Taiwan Embassy in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia | EmbassyKualaLumpur.com Go here to learn about the Taiwanese embassy in Kuala Lumpur with full contact info for embassy of Taiwan ...
United States Embassy in France | Paris Sponsored by: Finance in Europe Support: Filipina dating site France is America’s oldest ally. France and the United States have been linked for more than two centuries by diplomatic and military alliances and a rich complex of cultural, intellectual and
U.S. Embassy U.S. Embassy Cairo to Provide Consular Services to Yemen The State Department has designated the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt to handle American Citizens Services cases emanating out of Yemen, as well as to process visas for Yemeni citizens. Americans ...