Use "true" or "1" for boolean querystring params - Stack Overflow Does anyone use "true" or "false" when setting a query string param for a bool? or do most people use "1" or "0". I would be curious to know the ... 1 or 0 saves character in your URL. I prefer 0 or 1. For converting I use ...
http - Boolean in a URI query? - Stack Overflow Say I have a parameter "c" with boolean value, should I state a=foo&b=bar&c=1. Or ... What's the difference between a URI and a URL? 2708.
php - How do I get a boolean from a querystring? - Stack Overflow ... way to communicate booleans through GET or POST parameters. ... Browse other questions tagged php url boolean query-string or ask your ...
How do I submit a boolean parameter in Rails? - Stack Overflow I'm submitting a parameter show_all with the value true . This value ... I wanted to comment on zetetic answer but as I can't do that yet I'll post this ...
jax rs - Mapping Yes/no to Boolean in ReST API query parameter ... I am trying to map yes/no , true/false , Y/N to a boolean in JAX-RS url query parameter, but it maps only true/false successfully, all other values ...
In Spring, @RequestParameter annotation not accepting boolean ... In Spring, @RequestParameter annotation not accepting boolean for defaultValue argument, it only works with string URL request parameters ...
c# - ASP.NET MVC - Extract parameter of an URL - Stack Overflow MVC passes URL parameters for you through model binding. ... bool allowed) { int productId = id; // the id in the URL bool isAllowed = allowed ...
Use "true" Or "1" For Boolean Querystring Parameters? - Configuration Forms Data Controls :: Evaluating A Boolean True/false Within An Label Tag; Forms ... URL Rewriting Based On QueryString Parameters; 4.0 URL Routing With ...
BUG - Cannot Pass Boolean Parameters Via URL - Zoho Corporation The ability to pass boolean parameters via the #hash format URL has suddenly stopped working properly E.g. openUrl("#Form:Task_Update?
Boolean parameters can be evil - JRoller 15 Nov 2007 ... After all, we can give the boolean parameter a decent name and we .... You add that aspect and what are you going to do, print out the url to this ...