中央大學英語學習資料庫 - 英才網 [置頂] ESL Learning for Traveling students 留學生實用英語學習 網站 給留學國外的學生實用的英語網站。感謝李冬潔網友指正本站相關網站連結錯誤,並推薦此網站。 [置頂] Urban Dictionary 提供當代都市/大眾文化中常見英語(尤其俗俚語)的解釋 ...
Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online Free searchable dictionary and thesaurus, word games, a word of the day, and many other English language and vocabulary reference tools and resources.
Urban Dictionary, January 16: mouth hugging Jan 17 kindergarten redshirt When a parent (usually the father) will hold back their child from starting kindergarten for a year solely for the belief that an extra year of physical development will pay off athletically once the child is in high school te
Dictionary of English slang and colloquialisms of the UK A searchable dictionary of over 3000 English slang terms and colloquialisms currently used in the UK, including links, word articles and a select bibliography.
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Urban Dictionary, April 19: selfiebombing A veritable cornucopia of streetwise lingo, posted and defined by its readers.
道地英文就差這一味!風靡美國的街頭俚語辭典 2012年5月2日 ... 時代潮流瞬息萬變,日常生活用語當然也要與時俱進!英文裡”kill two birds with one stone (一石二鳥)”在憤怒鳥App當紅的今日,演變成”kill two ...
Urban Dictionary 由你來寫,更貼近日常生活的俚語辭典 相信大家一定遇過陌生的英文單字,可能是英文歌中的一個字、電影中一段對話或是美國青少年次文化中的用語,翻了字典卻又遍尋不著,有時候某些字在更新較快的網路字典還找得到,有時候這些字卻新的根本還沒收錄進任何一本字典。這時候,上Urban ...
Urban Dictionary 由你來寫,更貼近日常生活的俚語辭典 2010年4月17日 ... 這時候,上Urban Dictionary找找會是你最好的選擇。 ... 代理伺服器設定教學 · Google 閒置帳戶管理員,幫你處理身後的數位遺產繼承 · 免費WordPress 中文佈景 主題開發指南(PDF 電子書) ...
Urban Dictionary: %s %s What you get when you click the Urban Dictionary quick search found in the firefox bookmarks. Check out your bookmark manager, and it'll tell you how to use it, They are just pointing it out to you. If you type "slang " and then whatever you want after