sql - UPDATE with CASE and IN - Oracle - Stack Overflow The query looks like this i SQL: UPDATE tab1 SET budgpost_gr1= CASE WHEN (budgpost in (1001,1012,50055)) THEN 'BP_GR_A' WHEN (budgpost in (5,10,98,0)) THEN 'BP_GR_B' WHEN (budgpost in (11,876,7976,67465)) ELSE 'Missing' END ...
sql - UPDATE with CASE and IN - Oracle - Stack Overflow 2011年3月2日 - The query looks like this i SQL: UPDATE tab1 SET budgpost_gr1= CASE WHEN (budgpost in (1001,1012,50055)) THEN 'BP_GR_A' WHEN ...
Use CASE in the UPDATE statement : Case « Select Query ... p1 Search Engine 120000 p2 Programming 95000 p3 SQL 186500 (3 rows affected) 1> 2> -- Use CASE in the UPDATE statement. 3> 4> UPDATE project SET ...
Oracle/PLSQL: CASE Statement - TechOnTheNet.com Learn how to use the Oracle/PLSQL CASE statement with syntax and examples. The Oracle/PLSQL CASE statement has the functionality of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement. Starting in Oracle 9i, you can use the CASE statement within a SQL statement.
oracle sql update case - Seo Test oracle sql update case, seotest.evoler.net, find your answer here. ... 1-10 of 3050000 results sql - UPDATE with CASE and IN - Oracle - Stack Overflow I wrote a query that workes like a charm in SQLserver.
sql - Update multiple rows using CASE WHEN - ORACLE ... 2013年9月12日 - I have the table ACCOUNT of structure as follow: ... Ok based on the fiddle you have ...
sql - case when exists in oracle update query - Stack Overflow 2011年12月14日 - I have update query like update dedupctntest a set a.city ... Try something like below
update using case | Oracle Community http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28286/toc.htm Look up CASE. Like Show 0 Likes (0) Actions 14. Re: update using case ...
Update statement with Case syntax | Oracle Community I want to put case statement in an update statement using Oracle 10g ... This is slightly confusing but the syntax between sql and pl/sql is different for the case statement. END CASE is needed in PLSQL whereas
sql - Update multiple rows using CASE WHEN - ORACLE - Stack Overflow I have the table ACCOUNT of structure as follow: ACCOUNT_ID | ACCOUNT_STATUS| 004460721 | 2 | 042056291 | 5 | 601272065 | 3 | ... try the following update account set account_status = CASE account_id WHEN 004460721 then ...