University of California, San Diego The University California, San Diego is one of the world's leading public research universities, located in beautiful La Jolla, California. ... UC San Diego Faculty ‘Go Global’ with Two New MOOCs Two new Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, created by U
University of California UC experts discuss how California can respond to droughts. Lower Content More Explore the UC system UC Health Agriculture and Natural Resources Early Academic Outreach Program Support UC Search form Search Public Office Attacking the drought from ...
University of Southern California Official site of the University of Southern California.
University of California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The University of California (UC) is a public university system in the U.S. state of California. Under the California Master Plan for Higher Education, the University of California is a part of the state's three-tier public higher education system, which
University of California - A List and Ranking of the University of California Schools University of California - A list and ranking of the nine University of California Schools with undergraduate programs. Each university is linked to a profile that includes college ...
University of California, Riverside - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The University of California, Riverside (UCR or UC Riverside), is a public research university and one of the 10 general campuses of the University of California system. The main campus sits on 1,900 acres (769 ha) in a suburban district of Riverside, Cal
Bourns College of Engineering - Official Site BCOE Faculty and Students Garner Awards and Grants at End of Academic Year Bourns College of Engineering faculty and students ended the 2013-14 academic year with numerous grants, awards and honors that demonstrate the college's commitment to ...
加州大學柏克萊分校- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 柏克萊加州大學,全稱柏克萊加利福尼亞大學(英语:University of California, ... 為柏 克萊加大、英语:UC Berkeley、Berkeley或Cal,也常譯為柏克萊大學或加州大學柏 克萊 ... 在美國的大學運動聯賽裡,因以往只有一所加州大學,因此伯克利一直以加州 ...
世界上最好的公立大學系統– 加州大學(UC) | 江主任教育部落格 美國的名校多為私立大學但加州大學十個分校中有好幾所都在美國綜合大學排名 ... 加州大學柏克萊分校(UC Berkeley) 是加州大學裏面最古老的,在60年代是一個反叛 ...
加州大學河濱分校- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia 加州大學河濱分校(英語:University of California, Riverside,亦譯作河濱加州大學, 簡稱UCR或UC Riverside)是美國加利福尼亞州的一所公立研究型大學,同時也是 ...