[iOS Dev] 錯誤訊息Undefined symbols for architecture i386 ... 2012年4月12日 - 出現了一堆類似這樣的錯誤解決的方法為先點選專案(左邊navigator列表點選專案的圖示) 選擇target 選擇頁籤Build Phases Compile Sources如果 ...
ios - Undefined symbols for architecture i386 ... 2013年1月4日 - I'm using a few '.o' files in my project and while compiling it shows the .... If there was no up-vote limit, i would have voted 100 times now!Thanks a ...
如何解决XCODE中错误: Undefined symbols for architecture ... 2014年1月27日 - 出现Undefined symbols for architecture i386这种错误一般是你用模拟器作为目标,但编译的时候找不到相关的库文件,需要做的就是把库文件所在 ...
[iOS Dev] 錯誤訊息 Undefined symbols for architecture i386: | [lifeIs: tooShort to: waste] [iOS Dev] 錯誤訊息 Undefined symbols for architecture i386: 出現了一堆類似這樣的錯誤 Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_SKPSMTPMessage", referenced from: objc-class-ref in ConfirmController.o ...
iOS 問題:在集成支付寶的時候踫到了這麼一個錯誤 Undefined symbols for architecture i386 ...- Code4App.com 在集成支付寶的時候踫到了這麼一個錯誤 Undefined symbols for architecture i386: CreateRSADataSigner(NSString*), referenced from: -[PPExchangeView ppWebView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType:] in PPExchangeView.o ld: symbol(s) not found ...
iOS 問題:百度地圖api問題: Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_BMKAnnotationView ...- Cod 百度地圖api問題: Undefined symbols for architecture i386: _OBJC_CLASS_$_BMKAnnotationView, referenced from: _OBJC_CLASS_$_LocationAnnotationView in LocationAnnotationView.o _OBJC_CLASS_$_BMKMapManager, referenced from: objc ...
mod_perl: Warnings and Errors Troubleshooting Index print() doesn't send anything on Mac OS X On certain Mac OS X builds mod_perl doesn't seem to able to print() anything to the client. That's because STDOUT is not tied to the Apache module. Most likely some core module on Mac OS X untie's/re-tie's STDOUT
xcode - Undefined symbols for architecture i386 - Stack Overflow This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your ...
Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_OBJC_CLASS_ ... - C2Call 18 Mar 2014 ... ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v ...
如何解決XCODE中錯誤: Undefined symbols for architecture i386 error _touch4game 只能說XCODE太難用了,經常出問題, 出現Undefined symbols for architecture i386這種錯誤一般是你用模擬器作為目標,但編譯的時候找不到相關的庫文件,需要做的就是把庫文件所在的位置添加到library search path中。其它原因可參考下麵網址:http ...