Ultrasonic sensor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia An ultrasonic transducer is a device that converts energy into ultrasound, or sound waves above the normal range of human hearing. While technically a dog whistle is an ultrasonic transducer that converts mechanical energy in the form of air pressure into
Ultrasonic Sound Ultrasonic Sound The term "ultrasonic" applied to sound refers to anything above the frequencies of audible sound, and nominally includes anything over 20,000 Hz. Frequencies used for medical diagnostic ultrasound scans extend to 10 MHz and beyond. Sounds
國立台灣大學電機工程研究所《超音波影像實驗室》 ... or later versions, 1024*768. All rights reserved©2002-2013 NTUBEBI Ultrasonic Imaging Laboratory.
三力超音波工業股份有限公司San-Lih Ultrasonic Industrial CO ... 三力超音波工業股份有限公司San-Lih Ultrasonic Industrial CO., LTD., 臺北市. 57 個讚. 專攻超音波洗淨 ...
明和高精密超音波 明和超音波的發展史,追塑於1980年代早期從事代理、買賣、維修,有鑑於市場的需求, 客戶衷心的期盼1996 ... MAXWIDE ULTRASONIC was officially established in 1990,turning out a range of ...
天環超音波,熱熔機,代工,t-h,Ultrasonic,Welding,TIAN-HUAN ... 生產超音波塑膠熔接機、各式熱熔機、模治具及熔接技術諮詢。
ultrasonic - 超音波 - 學術名詞暨辭書資訊網 - 國家教育研究院 學術名詞 電子計算機, ultrasonic, 超音波,超聲的,超聲波. 學術名詞 造船工程, ultrasonic, 超音波. 學術名詞
ultrasonic - 超音波 - 學術名詞暨辭書資訊網 - 國家教育研究院 名詞解釋: 頻率大約高於20,000赫的聲波。其主要特徵如下: 1.波長短,近似作直線傳播,在固體和液體內 ...
wave; ultrasonic - 超音波 學術名詞 氣象學名詞, 超音波, ultrasonic. 學術名詞 造船工程, 超音波, supersonic wave. 學術名詞 測量學