一代神塔全新改版,利民 Ultra 120 Extreme 力爭冷酷塔王 (第1頁) - 機殼 - Mobile01 ... X形扣具感覺過軟,壓力磅數不太夠,沒法給散熱器底部足夠壓力與CPU表面完全貼平,造成Ultra 120 Extreme無法發揮它應有的濳能,如能加上更高的扣具壓力,U120ex與手工磨光版的HR-01 ...
[小測試] Thermalright Ultra-120 Extreme (第1頁) - 機殼 - Mobile01 其實我前陣子一直很那悶....現在號稱是空冷散熱器最強的Ultra 120 Extreme 遇到Q... ... 其實我前陣子一直很那悶....現在號稱是空冷散熱器最強的Ultra 120 Extreme 遇到Q6600這種四核心熱源還壓得住嗎?
[分享]傳說中的逸品 利民 Ultra-120 Extreme Black "TRUE 120 Black"|【ARMYGROUP 改裝軍團線上購物】 [分享]傳說中的逸品 利民 Ultra-120 Extreme Black "TRUE 120 Black" 酷愛藍天 | 人氣 1274 | 看 1 則回覆 | 2009-11-27 話說 今天去軍團打屁抬槓的時候 熊熊發現!! 這不是極神秘傳說物體嗎?! S二話不說當然借回來先爽一下再說啦!
AnandTech | Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme: Is More Better? As you can see in the side-by-side comparison with the current Ultra 120, Thermalright has managed to add two more heatpipes to the Ultra 120 Extreme, raising the total heatpipes from four to six. Everything else about the Ultra 120 Extreme seems to be ex
ultra 120 extreme - 相關部落格
ASUS P5K Premium.......Ultra-120 eXtreme.....測試 [論壇存檔] - 滄者極限 這幾天入手新硬體 弟稍微測了一下 給各位參考 先來看看硬體.... Ultra-120 eXtreme http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m303/hsiang6115/1-7.jpg 本體
[M] Thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme CPU Cooler Review Guides and Reviews on how to get the maximum from your PC. Overclocking and Modding to the Extreme ... Thermalright added two extra heatpipes to their successfully Ultra-120 CPU heatsink, in order to further improve performance on the high end scale.
Ultra-120 eXtreme Rev.C Home Products Archives CPU Heatsink Ultra 120 eXtreme Rev.C Ultra-120 eXtreme Rev.C Mail Facebook Twitter Features Specs Support Reviews Gallery Special features: Quiet and powerful cooling due to Proprietary bent winglet design to minimize airflow ...
Thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme: Heir to the CPU Cooling Throne | silentpcreview.com The Ultra-120 eXtreme is almost identical to its brother, the Ultra-120, with the exception of two extra heat pipes. An interesting aspect about the number of heatpipes: While there are technically just six heatpipes, in practical terms, they act like 12
[測試]Thermalright 利民Ultra-120、Ultra-90&HR-01散熱器測試 - PCDVD數位科技討論區 [簡測]Thermalright Venomous X vs Ultra-120 eXtreme裝機測試 [測試]Part3 Thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme VS HR-01 Plus [測試]Part2 Xigmatek HDT-s1283 VS Thermalright HR-01 Plus [測試]Part1 Thermalright HR-01 Plus VS HR-01 [測試]Thermalright Ultra 1 ...