University of California, Los Angeles - Official Site UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) is the largest UC campus in terms of enrollment, and one of the few public research universities located in a major city. ... The Centennial Campaign for UCLA Join us. And together, there is no limit to what we
MyUCLA - University of California, Los Angeles New to UCLA? Sign-Up Student Health Insurance (UC SHIP) Enrollment and Waiver Housing Application Parking Application BruinCard Help MyUCLA Tutorials Student Services Directory New Students New Student Guide Guide to Life at UCLA Housing Orientation ...
UCLA Schedule of Classes: Registration - UCLA Registrar's Office Home Schedule of Classes Registration Student responsibilities Declaring nonattendance Fee disclaimer Fee Descriptions Mandatory Fees Paying fees Nonresident tuition exemptions Reduced fee programs Late payment Fee waiver requests Refunds and Reductions
Class Schedule | UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies For the most up to date schedule, please visit the UCLA Registrar’s Office website at: FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE JEWISH STUDIES MAJOR/MINOR Please Contact: Isamara Ramirez UCLA Near Eastern ...
MAPs Schedule | UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center MAPS, mindfulness, mindful awareness, awareness, mindful meditation, meditation, practices ... MAPs II: Cultivating Positive Emotions (formerly Finding Happiness) (ONLINE) In this follow up class to MAPs I, we will learn how to cultivate loving kindness .
UCLA Department of Political Science Student access to world-class faculty One of the largest undergraduate majors at UCLA The world comes to UCLA Political Science Award-winning graduate student mentoring Dedicated professional staff supports Political Science students and faculty members.
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs "We are training leaders. You all are going out to be leaders. You're not going out to be followers.You are going out to innovate. You are...
Welcome to UCLA Recreation View our Spring Group Exercise schedule. Don't have a Fitness Pass? Purchase one at Sales & Services in the John Wooden Center and enjoy variety, flexibility, and fun with these exciting Group Exercise classes.
UCLA Summer Sessions Offers course information, fee schedule, resources on special summer programs, and the option to enroll online.
Classes and Events | UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center Learn about classes we offer at the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) ... The Mindful Awareness Research Center has a variety of classes that will help develop of strengthen meditation practices. MARC does offer speciality classes for seniors