software installation - How do I install a .tar.gz (or .tar.bz2) file? - Ask Ubuntu @invert Yeah, my Windows desktop has all kinds of stuff on it: files, programs, several old, empty folders, but when I boot into Ubuntu, my desktop is sparkling. ... You cannot "install" a .tar.gz file or .tar.bz2 file. .tar.gz files are gzip-compressed t
How To Compile & Install TAR GZ & TAR BZ2 Files In Ubuntu Linux Unlike Windows, installing software in Linux has the potential to be slightly more complicated. Unless your chosen software is already in package form or resides in a repository and can be installed with a simple line of text, the chances are you’re going
software installation - How do I install a .tar.gz (or .tar ... - Ask Ubuntu 12 Feb 2011 ... I have downloaded tar.gz files. But I don't know how to install it. How do I install this kind of file?
games - How to install tar.gz file - Ask Ubuntu How do I install a .tar.gz (or .tar.bz2) file? 9 answers. Trying to install Catlateral Damage using the usual extracting and ...
installation - Install .tar.gz and .tar files? - Ask Ubuntu 16 Mar 2013 ... Im trying to install hping3 and of course it's a .tar.gz file... I've looked everywhere even on here and no ...
我的Ubuntu KGubuntu B2DpureKGB: 一般安裝.tar.gz檔案方式 2010年2月6日 ... 首先要解壓縮,指令如下: #sudo tar -zxvf 檔名.tar.gz 接著進入解壓縮後的目錄當中 ,指令如下:
tar › Wiki › tar ist bei Ubuntu im Regelfall bereits in der Standard-Installation enthalten. Falls es fehlen sollte, kann es aus den ...
Linux/Ubuntu tar命令详解使用格式和方法| 2008年5月28日 ... 格式: tar 选项文件目录列表功能: 对文件目录进行打包备份选项: -c 建立新的归档 文件 -r 向归档文件末尾 ...
tar - Documentation Ubuntu Francophone Le programme tar est disponible par défaut sous Ubuntu. Il fait partie de l' installation minimale. Pour tous les formats à ...