[軟體]副廠TVOUT傳輸線也可以玩iPhone---TVOut2 Mirror TVOut - MML-Miss Modern Look 摩登美人 只要把iPhone橫著放就會變成橫式畫面的設定,這兩個模式設定會影響在電視上輸出的結果: 接著就是接上網路買的副廠TV OUT傳輸線: 然後將TVOut2 Mirror TVOut的顯示模式開關打開(點選tv out): 輸出到電視後 請依照iPhone 畫面在你的電視顯示的位置與 ...
TVOut2 Mirror TVOut 1.2.1 | iWatcher.net Portrait and Landscape with Springboard in “mirror” mode on your TV and iPhone. Use the TVOutTuner application to position the view on the screen and enable/disable TV output. You may need to remove other TVOut packages if you encounter problems. more ...
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TVOut2 Mirror TVOut - Page 3 - Apple, iPhone and iPad News | ModMyi I used Resuported (as a driver i think) and TVOut2 Mirror TVOut for adjustement on my 3gs 16g 3.1.3 with ... If you have iphone 3gs on ios4 in cydia download resupported4 for ios 4 and download tvout2 and wala it should work with alot of after market comp
TVOut2 Mirror TVOut 1.1.2 | iWatcher.net Portrait and Landscape with Springboard in mirror mode on your TV and iPhone. Use the TVOutTuner application to position the view on the screen and ... Dear Sir, Please advise where can I download this Tvout2 Mirror TVOut 1.1.2. In addition, I have iPad 1
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Tvout2 Mirror Tvout 1.1 2 - 相關圖片搜尋結果
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TVOut2 Mirror TVOut 1.1.5 - Cydia Releases - xSellize TVOut2 Mirror TVOut 1.1.5 - posted in Cydia Releases: Download: Direct - BigBossPortrait and Landscape with Springboard in "mirror" mode on your TV and iPhone, iPod or iPad. Use the TVOutTuner application to position the view on the screen and enable/disa