AOPEN 建碁 數位看板, 電子菜單, 電視牆解決方案 建碁提供範圍廣泛的產品可建立強大的和可靠的數位看板系統。我們的先進的工業設計和材料讓硬體效能領先,能在多種環境中使用,包括飯店、運輸、零售、企業、醫療 ...
關於聚興 - Welcome to ATM Electronic Corp. ABOUT ATM 聚興科技股份有限公司成立於1996年10月,為大中華區主要之專業IC通路商,2005年於台灣證券交易所掛牌(股票代號3423) 。 2011年營收 91億元,員工240人。 總公司位於台北,於台中,高雄設有分公司;為提供客人即時的在地服務 ...
turnkey_互动百科 turnkey - 名词解释. Turnkey直译为中文就是交钥匙,可以理解为投入使用的,这句话 开始流行于美国公司跟客户之间的词语,项目到了Turnkey,就是说项目即将完成, ...
CIPV EXPO 2015第七屆中國光伏四新展 CIPV EXPO 2015第七屆中國光伏四新展
AFTA - Home AFTA Tech. AFTA Technology Co., Ltd., has more than 30 years of professional plastic technology and plenty of marketing experiences with more than 80 countries, so that can meet the needs for the customers about the equipments and coordinate with the ...
Turnkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A turnkey or a turnkey project (also spelled turn-key) is a type of project that is constructed so that it could be sold to any buyer as a completed product. This is contrasted with build to order, where the constructor builds an item to the buyer's exact
談所謂的Turnkey Solution應用的必死不歸路-第1頁 - 電子工程專輯論壇 算是在國內首推Turnkey的代理商,turnkey當初我們推動時,早就知道這個是糖衣 毒藥。我們將所有 ...
Miniature Grinder - High quality Miniature Grinder and turnkey system manufacturer from Taiwan | Mil Mill Powder Tech is Taiwan high quality Miniature Grinder manufacturer and tunkey service supplier with more than 70+ years grinding mill and powder blender experience for grinding mill, ribbon mixer, pulverizer mill, hammer mill, sugar grinder and powder
Powder Grinder - High quality Powder Grinder and turnkey system manufacturer from Taiwan | Mill Powd Mill Powder Tech is Taiwan high quality Powder Grinder manufacturer and tunkey service supplier with more than 70+ years grinding mill and powder blender experience for grinding mill, ribbon mixer, pulverizer mill, hammer mill, sugar grinder and powder mi
turnkey - Wiktionary English [edit] Etymology [edit] From turn + key. Adjective [edit] turnkey (not comparable) ready to use without further assembly or test; supplied in a state that is ready to turn on and operate (typically refers to an assembly that is outsourced for manu