Mighty Uninstaller – Uninstall a Program, Force Uninstall Programs, Smart Uninstall Tool for Windows Mighty Uninstaller is a kind of excellent software to help you uninstall a program and force uninstall programs which you want to remove completely. With this smart uninstall tool, you might safely, easily uninstall any programs on your PC in just minutes
Worm:Win32/Autorun.gen!inf Microsoft security software detects and removes this threat. This threat can spread using removable drives, such as USB flash drives. When you connect the drive to your PC, the worm is run automatically. Worm:Win32/Autorun.gen!inf is a detection for 'auto
How to Remove the TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen Trojan | eHow References Microsoft Support: Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool Microsoft: Malware Families Cleaned by the Malicious Software Removal Tool Microsoft: VirTool:Win32/Vbcrypt.AX Malware Tips: Remove TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen Virus (Removal Instruction)
How to delete Win32.AutoRun - Removal tool, fix instructions | AntivirusWorld Name: Win32.AutoRun Aliases: Worm.Win32.AutoRun (Kaspersky), Spy-Agent.bw.gen.trojan (McAfee), W32.SillyFDC (Symantec) Type: Worm Size: Depends on version First appeared on: October 10, 2007 Damage: Low Brief Description: Win32.AutoRun is a ...
Virus Removal Tool Troj/SWFDL-G Introduction You might have heard about Poison Ivy Trojan which is widely used in web based attacks with “zero day” hole in Internet Explorer. Troj/SWFDL-G is one of the popular version of it. Like all other Trojan infections Troj/SWFDL-G is
.Trashes.exe Win32:Malware-gen - How to remove ? How to remove .Trashes.exe, infection type Win32:Malware-gen easily, for free, one-click ? Tutorial. Tutorial with pictures and video. ... How to remove .Trashes.exe Win32:Malware-gen ? This type of infection spreads through removable media like USB key,
DNS Changer or Trojan.Win32.DNSChanger!IK Removal Report DNS Changer is a Trojan that is designed to force a computer system to use rogue DNS servers. Also, DNS Changer is being referred to as the Internet... ... DNS Changer Description DNS Changer is a Trojan that is designed to force a computer system to use
SRN Micro Home | Solo Antivirus Software with Malware and Spyware Removal | Virus Alerts | Free Anti Low Trojan.Win32.Zbot.Pda aka Backdoor.Win32.Androm.ex [ Win32/TrojanDownloader.Wauchos.A, Trojan-Dropper:W32/Agent.DUDI, Downloader.Dromedan, Worm:Win32/Gamarue.F ]
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Latest Descriptions | ESET Virusradar Threat Name Description Type Threat Type Date Added SWF/Exploit.CVE-2015-0313 Threat trojan 2015-02-05 Win32/Filecoder.EB Threat Variant trojan 2015-02-05 Win32/Expiro.CG Threat Variant virus 2015-02-02 Win32/Virut.AV Threat Variant virus 2015-01-27