[開箱] Plextor M5S 256GB SSD + Mac mini SSD換裝筆記。 | wa+er. 白蘋果急救室 [開箱] Plextor M5S 256GB SSD + Mac mini SSD換裝筆記。 八月 7, 2012, kouko , Archived in Article Mac mini 每次一到新版OSX推出的時候,總是會想著換新Mac之類的事。就算沒換機,好歹也要清空硬碟,重新安裝一個乾淨的系統。畢竟打從OS 8.5到今天 ...
Trim (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A Trim command (commonly typeset as TRIM) allows an operating system to inform a solid-state drive (SSD) which blocks of data are no longer considered in use and can be wiped internally.[1] Trim was introduced soon after SSDs started to become an affordab
February 13, 2012 - 數碼縱橫 - 產品評測及介紹 - 數碼縱橫 其實早在幾個月之前購買了 MacBook Air之後已經計劃把主力使用的 Mac Mini內的 硬碟更換 ...
在Mac OS X Lion 啟用非原廠固態硬碟TRIM 支援| 天藍色 2012年1月19日 ... 不過單只有SSD 支援TRIM 是沒用的,也要作業系統支援才可以,不然互相不認識也 沒用,Mac OS X 10.7 ...
最新消息 - 麥威蘋果維修中心 MacWay Solutions. Apple專業.維修.銷售.二手 [開箱] Plextor M5S 256GB SSD + Mac mini SSD換裝筆記。每次一到新版OSX推出的時候,總是會想著換新Mac之類的事。 ... —千萬別相信「升級安裝」這鬼功能⋯⋯總之,原本打算是趁這次Mountain Lion一出,就換台2012年的新款Mac mini。不過看來今年的 ...
Trim Enabler | Cindori It increases data writing speeds as well as the lifetime of the SSD. With Trim Enabler, you can bring that feature to Mac OS X. It's as easy as flipping a switch.
Trim Enabler for Mac | MacUpdate - Apple Mac OS X Software & Apps - Discover & Download : MacUpda Download, install or update Trim Enabler (Mac) - Improve solid-state drive performance - from MacUpdate ... Trim Enabler 3.3 18-Oct-2014 Improve solid-state drive performance. 25 Thank you for your review $10 00 Download 3.5 MB http://www ...
Aftermarket SSD On A MacBook Pro: TRIM Gets Tested - TRIM On A Mac: Only For Apple's OEM SSDs The ATA interface standard's TRIM command helps SSDs write faster and live longer. But if you own a Mac, you can only enable it with an OEM drive installed. A freeware tool turns TRIM on for aftermarket SSDs, and we take a look at how well it works. You a
David Alison's Blog: Upgraded your Mac to an SSD? Enable TRIM Running Trim Enabler is pretty simple. Download and install it from the provided DMG and then flip the main toggle button to On. Once this is done you will need to reboot your Mac and TRIM will be enabled. You can confirm this by checking your System Info
TRIM and Mac OS X | Blog - hardwrk | Hardwrk SSD HDD Adapter Kit passend für MacBook Pro Here at hardwrk we get a lot of questions concerning the benefits and consequences of TRIM with SSDs on OS X. There are a lot of opinions out there and as well a lot of different tools which (may) enable TRIM for your Mac. To answer all those questions an