Travian - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書 1 種族特點 1.1 羅馬(The Roman) 1.2 高盧(The Gauls) 1.3 條頓(The Teutons) 2 資源 2.1 基本資源取得嘅途徑 2.1.1 生產 2.1.2 搶奪 2.2 文明度(Culture Point) 3 地理 3.1 各資源區塊 ...
01. 種族的優勢和劣勢 - Travian 知識庫 擁有高度社會文明及發達科技的羅馬人是一個攻守俱佳的種族,但反之因為需要 ... 但條頓人缺少了羅馬人及高盧人擁有的軍事紀律,導致他們行軍速度緩慢及防禦力弱.
10 - 土牆(條頓人) - Travian 知識庫 先決條件: 建造土牆能保護您的村莊,預防野蠻的敵人群族。提升它的等級可增加您對抗外敵的防禦力。 土牆只有條頓人能建造。 土牆提供的防禦…
Travian Answers Prerequisites for research: Rally point level 10, Academy level 20Prerequisites for training: Residence/Palace level 10/(15)/20 The Senator is the tribe's chosen leader. He's a good ...
Travian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Travian is a persistent, browser-based, massively multiplayer, online real-time strategy game developed by the German software company Travian Games.[1] It was originally written and released in June 2004 by Gerhard Müller. Set in classical antiquity, Tra
Travian :: Extended Combat Simulator - Travian tools & utils :: Home Page Home Page Extended Combat Simulator 2.0 Calculators Extended Combat Simulator distance calculator Conquering calculator offense calculator units' attributes calculator buildings Tables resource development calculator Troops Oases hero (T4) hero hero (T3)
!!Travian Answers!! !!"Answers" can help you finding answers to Travian relating questions.!!!!Travian Starters Guide? Click here!!!!!Got a question?!!!!Got a question?!!!!Find an answer!!!!Find an answer!!!!Click to start!!!!Click to start!!
The Travian Wiki - Buildings, tribes, resources, and more Travian is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! ... Travian is a browser based game, played by thousands of players simultaneously. Travian is available in a score of languages, each on a separate server.
Travian Answers "Answers" can help you finding answers to Travian relating questions. ... To find an answer, select a parent category and then child categories until the answer appears below. In case you cannot find the answer you need on your own you'll get a chance to
Travian Answers "Answers" can help you find answers to questions about Travian. Travian Starters Guide? Click here! Got a question? Got a question? Find an answer Find an answer Click to start Click to start "Answers" can help you find answers to questions about Travian.