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Amazon.com: Thermos 12 Ounce Funtainer Bottle, Olaf: Kitchen & Dining Thermos products deliver what matters every time. As the leading manufacturer of convenient insulated products for over 100 years, Thermos is trusted by consumers to provide innovative portable containers that promote a safe and healthy lifestyle. Thermos
Amazon.com: Thermos FUNtainer Bottle, Sofia The First, 12 Ounce: Kitchen & Dining Whether you're packing a school lunch, going to practice or a game, on a family outing, or relaxing at home, the Thermos brand FUNtainer bottle is the most dependable way to keep your child's beverage colder and fresher for longer. Made of durable stainle
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微量吸管使用 微量吸管(micropipet)是進行生化實驗或分子生物學實驗的必備工具,然而使用方法 ... 套上微量吸管頭,吸取溶液:吸取溶液時,尖端請先套上微量吸管頭(tip),P1000 ...
微量吸管尖 - 德記儀器有限公司 微量吸管尖100-1000ul / 100-1000ul Micropipette Tip ... 產品描述:˙標準使用吸管廠牌: Eppendorf ˙部分適用吸管廠牌: GILSON, Eppendorf,Witeg, DragonLab ...
其他實驗室耗材 - 艾爾威生物科技/台灣立寶 40200u 200ul Pipet Tip 吸管尖 · 41000u 1ml Pipet Tip 吸管尖 · R40010u 10ul Pipet Tip w/Rack 吸管尖(盒裝) · R40200u 200ul Pipet Tip w/Rack 吸管尖(盒裝).
有關可調式微量吸管您容易忽略但會影響實驗的因素 樣品的黏稠度. A:樣品黏稠度的範圍很廣,所以當樣品有一定的黏稠度時,吸管頭(tip)的口徑、吸管頭(tip)的長度、樣品的吸入量、樣品的溫度、微量吸管內的空氣容積、 ...
吸管尖(TIP) - 明傑企業社 吸管尖(TIP). 代碼:5515 規格型號包裝備註10UL C03019 1000支/包,100000支/箱短10UL C03020 1000支/包,100000支/箱長200UL B03001 1000支/包,25000 ...
Handheld Pipette Tips - Thermo Scientific Thermo Scientific+ offers the widest selection of pipette tips designed for optimal performance with our pipettes, or universal tips for any pipette in your lab.