There's nothing left to say什么意思?_百度知道 2010年8月19日 - 没 要说.
"無言以對" - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ " There's nothing left to say" 這句 在無言以對裡是啥 意思? ... " There's nothing left to say."意思就是: ...
There's nothing left to say anymore - Yahoo!知識+ There's nothing left to say anymore點解? left係句入面有咩 意思?如改作 There's nothing to say anymore/ Th ...
There is nothing left to say的句子成分分析_知道 There is nothing left to say的句子成分分析這沒有什麼可說的 nothing left:沒有東西to say: ... 2011-06-07 ...
There's nothing left to say 是什麼意思?_莫名塘吧_百度貼吧 There's nothing left to say 是什麼意思 ? 回覆 1樓 2010-08-18 20:59 舉報 | 孬_PP 專職老師 10 自己百度一 ...
There\'s nothing left to say 是什麼意思?_知道 提問者採納: 沒什麼可說的。
Bing 必應詞典為您提供when there's nothing left to say的釋義,網路釋義: 我們真的穿越火焰一路奔跑;就穿越火焰向 ...
Bing 必應詞典為您提供 theres nothing left to say的釋義,網路釋義: 沒什麼好說的了;沒有甚麽好說的;沒甚麽好說 ...
nothing left是什麼意思_nothing left中文翻譯是:不留…《查查》英語翻譯 There ' s nothing left to throw up , i promise 沒剩下多少東西可以吐了,我保證 9. There s no danger of th ...
There's nothing left to say - YouTube There's nothing left to say go nowhere left to go I feel it in my heart beat can you feel my heart beat ...