音樂│ Jason Mraz@I'm Yours 歌詞 *含中文歌詞 @ Ciao ♥ :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: Jason Mraz的成名曲,在2009年入圍第51屆葛萊美獎 「年度歌曲」。 喜歡開頭單純的吉他聲,配上Jason Mraz的聲音,很容易就讓人陷入。 I'm Yours Well you done
Hall Of Fame.The Script.中文歌詞 @ 千萬樹葉飛落 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: #1 歪歪 於 2012/09/27 21:37 這首歌最近常聽到,小弟英文不好,感謝大大的翻譯 超級好聽阿~~ 能夠共同享受好音樂就是一件樂事:) 謝謝你囉~ Chien 於 2012/09/27 21:43 回覆 #2 TEST 於 2012/10/09 22:16 這首很好聽 歌詞也翻的很棒 可以借分享嗎?
The Script - I'm Yours Lyrics Lyrics to I'm Yours by The Script: You've touched these tired eyes of mine / And mapped my face line by line / And some how growing old ... Hey! It's useful. If this song really means something special to you, describe your feelings and thoughts. Don't he
手創樂團The Script - If You Ever Come Back 中英歌詞 @ 妳看見了沒有? :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: oOoO000o點我聽歌去oOoO000o If You Ever Come Back 等你回來 If you're standing with your suitcase 你站在行李旁邊 But you can't step on the train 卻遲遲不上火車 Everything's the way that you left it I still haven't slept yet 什麼都沒變,我卻無法入睡
yam 天空部落-影音分享-I'm yours @_ Jason Mraz 英文歌詞:Well youve dawned on me and you bet I felt it I tried to be chill but youre so hot that I... It cannot wait, Im yours Well open up your minds and see like me Open up your plans and damn youre free Look into your heart and youll find love, love, love
The Script(首創冠軍專輯) - Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 ) (修改): 作詞:The Script 作曲:The Script Together we cry... Together we cry... Jenny was a poor girl. Living in a rich ...
The Script, I'm Yours---with lyrics - YouTube The Script are AMAZING!! Thanks to everyone who has watched, rated and commented this video so far, it is such an amazing song :) Ok, well every time i put on this album i find another song i like! This one's called I'm Yours and I think it sort of has a
[音樂•ABC] The Script - I'm Yours 中文歌詞 The Script- I'm Yours的 歌詞,試聽及視頻MTV。好歌聽得見,愛歌有 歌詞,音樂ABC。 The Script - I'm Yours ...
the script ,i'm yours - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ the script , i'm yours 發問者: 阿保 ( 初學者 5 級) 發問時間: 2009-02-23 14:48:09 解決時間 ... 網友正面 ...
Jason Mraz - I'm Yours中英文歌詞 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ jason mraz i am yours 中文歌詞, jason mraz 專輯, jason mraz plane Jason Mraz, 傑森‧馬茲, 中英文對照, I'm ...