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No Knead Bread | Mark Bittman Recipe | The New York Times - YouTube Mark Bittman, a.k.a. The Minimalist, and Jim Lahey, the owner of Sullivan Street Bakery, share a recipe on how to make no-knead bread where the secret is letting the time do the work. Subscribe on YouTube: Watch more videos at: http:/
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Sports News - Major League Baseball - The New York Times Highlights and Milestones: Derek Jeter The longtime Yankees shortstop is in his 20th and final season. His many milestones and career highlights are compiled here with related video, and articles and photos from the Times archive.
The New York Times Magazine - The 6th Floor Blog - The 6th Floor is the blog of The New York Times Magazine, where staff members — editors, designers, writers, photo editors and researchers — share ideas, arguments, curiosities and links. ... When I reported my article on the flood of private campaign mon
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