Would be/ will be fine - UsingEnglish.com I don't understand why Thomas is using 'would be fine' instead of 'will be fine'. Is he not ...
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fine 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典 fine /f'ɑɪn/ 共發現 23 筆關於 [ fine] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 資料來源(1): pydict data [pydict] ... , ...
【fine_be_that_way】什麼意思_英語fine_be_that_way在線翻譯_有道詞典 "Fine be that way!" I said staring up at my ceiling. I tried to make shapes out of the dots, but it didn't work. "Im gonna get you a birthday present too, what do you want?" I asked him, I had no idea what to get him. 基於1個網頁-相關網頁
Is "That would be fine." polite expression? - Answers - Yahoo I can see why you are not sure, as an another context it would show a lack of enthusiasm. but in this case it sounds as the correct expression to ...
word choice - "Fine with/by/to you/that" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange Are there any differences when asking the following? Would that be fine with you? Would that be fine by ...
that would be fine 和that will be fine 在意思上、语法上有什么区别 ... 2011年1月9日 - 两者的意思基本相同,但是would 在语气上比will 更委婉,更贴心;will 语气叫强硬, ... 4; 2013-02-05 请教高手一句英语:That would be fine I ..
That would be fine.の意味 - 英和辞典 Weblio辞書 That would be fine.の意味や和訳。 訳語 それでいいですよ。 - 約979万語ある英和 辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。
Fine with/by/to you/that - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange 2011年8月8日 - Expresses the same thing the first question in my answer does. You can happily use it. Would you be fine by that? This reminds me of, ...
That would be fine_例句_句子_短句 - 例句在线翻译 - 爱词霸 爱词霸英语句库为广大英语学习爱好者提供That would be fine的例句、That would be fine的短句、That would be fine ... That would be ridiculous, so why mention it.