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Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) Lyrics - YouTube This is an inspirational speech by Laz Buhrmann to a graduating class of 97. I hope you'll take the time to listen and think about what he says. It was very inspirational to me and it has opened up my mind. :)
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Fish eaters beware of the butterfish: your tummy may thank you | Enlightened Eater Though science continues to back the wisdom that fish is brain food, there are times when you need to use your smarts to make it a healthy choice. While most varieties offer a range of disease-fighting perks, there are a few you don’t want to get your hoo
Please Don’t Thank Me for My Service - Some veterans wince at reflexive gratitude. ... Michael Freedman Credit Daniel Borris for The New York Times “Thank you for your service,” he said, is almost the equivalent of “I haven’t thought about any of this.”
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