A Thallium Scan Goes to Court - Journal of Nuclear Medicine questioned the defendant about the interpretation of the thallium scan, the exercise test and the electrocardiogram interpretation. Questions about the scan centered on the issue of whether or not the LAO view should look like a donut and area showed any
Whatever happened to the thallium scan? — Irish Medical Times Dr Martin O’Connell, Consultant Radiologist, Mater Hospital, writes on the usage of the thallium scan in cardiology investigations. ... artery disease for whom stress electrocardiography poses particular problems of poor sensitivity or difficulties in int
Comparison of exercise perfusion and ventricular function imaging: an analysis of factors affecting When stress thallium scan evaluation included the electrocardiogram and thallium scan interpretation, the diagnostic accuracy was 81%. When all the information from gated scans (wall motion, ejection fraction, pulmonary blood volume) was combined for fina
The impact of clinical data on interpretation of thallium ... METHODS AND RESULTS: In this study we examined the impact of such data on interpretation of exercise thallium scans and the differences in analysis of such ...
Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy: Techniques, Interpretation Several stress techniques are available, but the exercise stress test is the ... There are several artifacts and interpretation pitfalls that can potentially compromise MPS. ..... Improved specificity of myocardial thallium-201 single- photon emission&nbs
Nuclear Heart Scan: Thallium Stress Tests, Definition, Types ... Nuclear Stress Tests For The Heart: Guide To Testing For CHD, Thallium Test Explained, Understanding The Results, Risks And Costs Involved.
The impact of clinical data on interpretation of thallium ... In this study we examined the impact of such data on interpretation of exercise thallium scans and the differences in analysis of such information between ...
A Thallium Scan Goes to Court - Journal of Nuclear Medicine questioned the defendant about the interpretation of the thallium scan, the exercise test and the electrocardiogram interpretation. Questions about the scan ...
Do False Positive Thallium-201 Scans Lead to Unnecessary ... thallium-201 defects on quantitative planar images. The only criterion for inelusion in the study was a thallium scan that was originally interpreted as showing at ...
What Does Your Stress Test Really Mean? - :: Princeton ... Most physicians still rely on a Cardiac Stress Test to find evidence of this silent killer before ... A Nuclear Stress Test uses an injection of Thallium or Technetium ...