Tools | Teraterm的Macro « 蔡‧阿邦式慢速劍 2013年11月1日 - 為了測試所以研究了一下teraterm MACRO的語法,還蠻有趣的。如果未來有需要用到新的指令就直接更新在這一篇好了。 Teraterm TTL Command ...
晚起的蟲: 好用的TeraTerm 2010年5月12日 - TeraTerm 是一個終端機模擬程式,可以支援Telnet, ssh, 也可完全取代MS 的Hyper ... 其中最強大的功能是它獨特的script language,可批次處理 ...
TeraTerm Macros - Softpanorama There is VIM script that provide highlighting for Teraterm -- Teraterm MACRO syntax ... The 'break' command can also be used to escape from a loop before its condition triggers.
TeraTerm Macros - Scripting in shell and Perl 2014年7月13日 - Teraterm has several more or less standard looping constructs. do while i>0; i = i - 1 ...
Teraterm Scripts - Texas Instruments Wiki 2014年7月14日 - 1 Introduction; 2 How to execute a TeraTerm script? 3 Scripts. 3.1 File Naming ...
Teraterm Scripts - Texas Instruments Wiki ;; Tera Term Macro;; ;; file __test-cpuidle.ttl;;;; desc Unit tests for "cpuidle" framework.;; ;; HISTORY;;;; 2008-04-25 Sanjeev Premi;; Original ...
Teraterm - Softpanorama For example, we can create a script ttroot.bat that contains just two lines: ... This script invoke Teraterm with the configuration file root.ini that provides login as ...
connect - Tera Term If MACRO is not linked to Tera Term, this command runs Tera Term with ... For example to connect via COM port 1 the command will look like: connect '/C=1'.
How to use Tera Term to run a script? @ 快快樂樂的Peter (Happy Peter) :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌 macro for Tera Term Telnet login; login to a server timeout = 10 connect ' /nossh';Wait a ...
How to use Tera Term to run a script? @ 快快樂樂的Peter ... 2011年3月28日 - For debug purpose, some time we have several commands need to run on a device and find some info.How to use Tera Term to reach this goal ...