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TED Blog: Further reading on ideas worth spreading The TED Blog shares interesting news about TED, TED Talks video, the TED Prize and more. ... Dan Visconti is updating the image of the classical composer — from lone, fusty genius to dynamic community leader who creates music as a tool for social ...
Danny's 單車,工作與生活| 如何下載Ted演說與字幕 2011年4月17日 ... 前一陣子去上PMP renew 的課程, 講師在課堂上撥放一些Ted.com 上的演說, 覺得還 蠻有趣,. 因此上網 ...
下載ted中文字幕- YouTube 2012年7月25日 - 2 分鐘 - 上傳者:林瑞文 示範下載TED中文字幕,建議先看影片中推薦的溫俊誠先生PDF ...
如何下載播放TED 影片與字幕- YouTube 2013年8月28日 - 12 分鐘 - 上傳者:Leo Liu 如何下載播放TED 影片與字幕. Leo Liu·4 ... 記得要把「影片檔」和「字幕檔」放在同 一個資料夾中! ... 可是這樣就沒有繁體中 ...
烏衣行+: 如何下載TED 影片與字幕 正體中文版:http://www.ted.com/translate/languages/zh-tw. 一、下載影片 ... 如果要 下載英文字幕,後面加&lang=eng;簡體中文是後面加&lang=chs。 四、字幕格式.
Browse Talks | TED.com - TED: Ideas worth spreading TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading - through TED.com, our annual conferences, the annual TED Prize and local TEDx events. ... Please enter a valid email address. Please enter an email address. Please check Daily or Weekly and try again.
TED: Ideas worth spreading TED Conversations To re-industrialize the freight train. Started by Owen Macey (13 comments) Revolution in Education. Let's talk specifics... What can we really do? Started by Chelsea Alley (110 comments) What if, a soccer game or football game money winn
TED (conference) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In 2005, Chris Anderson hired June Cohen as Director of TED Media. In June 2006, after Cohen's idea of a TV show based on TED lectures was rejected by several networks, a selection of talks that had received the highest audience ratings was posted on the