Teamboard互動式電子白板 - 相關圖片搜尋結果
TEAMBoard數位白板 - TEAMBoard互動式電子白板 TEAMBoard互動式電子白板銷售手寫互動電子白板、可手寫大尺寸LCD顯示器、教學e化講桌及互動式投影機。
TEAMBoard互動式電子白板_問與答 您好,「TEAMBoard互動式電子白板」可視角度160,採用專利 表面材質,完全不反光不炫光,讓您的會議或課程沒有障礙。 Q2. 請問「TEAMBoard互動式電子白板」 ...
TEAMBOARD 數位式電子白板操作手冊 而新一代的數位式電子白板TeamBoard 將白板與電腦結合,使電腦能輕易的捕捉您 ... 在互動模式下操作TeamBoard 數位電子白板就如同使用互動式觸控螢幕一樣.
Interactive Whiteboards | TeamBoard Our Interactive Whiteboards feature multi-touch technology, instant installation and surfaces that come clean even after the all-nighter brainstorms.
TeamBoard: Homepage Team Work. Like the brightest minds, our products shine when you put them in a room together. Interactive Whiteboards. Interactive Flat Panels. Projectors.